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User / John William Hammond / Sacramento Old Town, Living History of California Gold Rush Days
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Enjoy a bit of living history when you visit California's state capitol. After touring the Capitol building and grounds. Take in old town just a mile away on the Riverfront. Most of the buildings even with the tourist trappings give off the flavor of life in 1850 just before the gold rush. On summer weekend enjoy free shows of Irish dancers or melodramas with period costumes from the gold rush era.
It's a great walking place. A one mile stroll takes you over the river and the city's famous bridge. Enjoy a ride on the riverboat or sit outside and feel the delta breeze at night. The most famous attraction is the train museum. After that take in Fort Sutter or drive and walk in the homes of the fabulous forties with shady streets and a neighborhood that is a preservation of building styles from 1940s, and fifties. If you come in summer stay hydrated and enjoy the air conditioning at the train museum on the 95 plus days. A great town for visitors that want to see a different side of California life.
  • Views: 21726
  • Comments: 4
  • Favorites: 17
  • Taken: Jul 20, 2014
  • Uploaded: Jul 24, 2014
  • Updated: Mar 19, 2019