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User / John William Hammond / Devil's Postpile National Monument
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he eruption and uniform cooling of basalt lava created an impressive wall of columns. Later a glacial event exposed the columns and polished smooth the top of this formation enhancing the pattern of hexagons that are a result of the mineral composition of the lava. It will only take you five minutes to climb to the top to see the hexagons. This is a great place to take day hikes to places like Rainbow Falls, Sotcher Lake or other easy hikes. Take your picnic foods in a backpack, enough water, a hat and lotion. You likely won't see a bear but if you do kindly walk back the way you came to keep both you and the bear safe from harm. Best way to come down this deep valley road is buy bus from the top of Mammoth Ski Resort. There are about 6 drop off points to enjoy.
On average, the columns are two feet wide and can be over 60 feet tall. Most are 6-sided, but you can also find 5-sided, 4-sided, and even 30-sided stones-- this is due to the fact that the lava cooled unevenly and rapidly.
  • Views: 23737
  • Comments: 75
  • Favorites: 128
  • Taken: Sep 3, 2011
  • Uploaded: Feb 9, 2023
  • Updated: Jun 27, 2024