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User / John William Hammond / Beautiful Wife Sunset Dreams
2,703 items
Sunset was perfect on the Pacific shore and it was a perfect hour for taking a silhouette of my wife as we strolled along waiting for the green flash and the end of the day. It was lovely, romantic and even without clouds a wonderful south California classic. The water was warm on this day so walking barefoot was the only way to go. We had a birthday celebration at an Italian restaurant before driving over to La Jolla.
flic.kr/p/2gv6uaq A flckr link to a awesome music video. give it a try.

PS: Be smart - be kind -help save lives;
WEAR A MASK and DONATE BLOOD - Shine a light.

PS: Ask Spotify, Alexa, or Siri to stream music by
  • Views: 245149
  • Comments: 61
  • Favorites: 122
  • Taken: Jul 11, 2009
  • Uploaded: Apr 30, 2023
  • Updated: Jul 21, 2023