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User / John William Hammond / Voting is my Superpower
2,703 items
Voting is a right and a privilege. It is wise to do it early if you can. Be a good citizen, fill out your ballot sign it and bring it in person to an official polling place like your local city hall. Wear a mask, keep your distance , be patient and give yourself a pat on the back when done or go get an ice cream!
This year more then ever we have to be wise. If you live in some states check your voting laws. Alas in the great state of Texas the governor want to make it as hard as possible for their citizens to voting. Declaring only one polling place in each county making people use a whole day to wait in line in big cities. He should go to jail for that instead just get out there and vote. Don't let anyone take your voting rights away. If needed bring your ID. Take a picture when you turn in your ballot and encourage all to vote who are eligible. Help save democracy and be kind to all. GO VOTERS!
  • Views: 3336
  • Comments: 7
  • Favorites: 18
  • Taken: Oct 19, 2020
  • Uploaded: Oct 19, 2020
  • Updated: Aug 21, 2021