In December we took a short gettaway to Palm Springs for some art exploring, hiking, mexican gourmet food, dancing and time to relax out by the pool. After all that we can't help but smile and the flowers at our favorite hotel are like an bright eternal summer.
Im ready to go back anytime . I ( the photographer) love love love to swim in a nice pool.
The motel pink flower were a fine spring like backdrop for my spouse to stop at for a
memory picture portrait of a happy and romantic weekend at one of California most mellow spots in the desert. A great city to visit and enjoy. Here is a link to a song video inspired by my lovely wife.
Tags: smile flowers shoulders pink red jeans woman happy happiness lovely glasses sun wonderful relax pose sensual partner sexy best favorite delight bright smart wow nice female fifties fine superb arms PalmSprings Bougainvillea perfect heaven California model heart soul redhead black flckr short hair pretty wise beautiful wife wife
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a blissful lovely woman at my favorite music festival in California held every July .
For more Happiness Ask Spotify, Alexa, or Sire
to play music by
JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND (use all 3 names0- it's great enjoy.
Tags: music worldfest California costumes performance smile tiedie dress grayhair peace beauty joyful mature summer life spirit inner peace costume worldfest
An older photo Im sentimental about. plus I love bubbles too! for more happiness click . Go out and buy some bubble sauce for your kids and grandkids. Have a ball.
Tags: fun bubble play joy bliss frontyard childhood child young youth mothers moms family discovery delight treat moment perfect reach pop toy smile happiness beauty blow growingup toddler relax zen suprise wow candid ordinary wonder heart caring sharing share happy summer past beautiful new chin arm emotion excited bonding mother development excitement John William Hammond favorite memories children at play children best nostalgia happy people people flckr
I took this long, long ago but it feels as fresh as today. I wish the entire world got along the way these two kids did on that day in the park.. Lets make a good world for people of all backgrounds with more positive images and stories of courage for all . PS> Donate Blood its good for the soul too..
Tags: kids playground fun slide childhood child play recreation boys friends unity peace joy smile adventure park together freedom harmony zen innocent fresh life reflection young youth growing up summer children race intigration sharing friendship amigos buddies kindness playful friend black white belonging
Before you congratulate me know that this photo is 38 years old but hey I made it though 23 years of dadville so that's pretty good too. I always and always will love this image.
Tags: Love fathers sons family baby connection infant tender dad newborn blanket light young growing wonder life birth zen connection oneness unity worth precious treasure child hold sleep nap new true karma pure white comfort care infant fresh creation mankind affection kind cradle fatherhood father daddy cherish nuture appreciate memory timeless miracle born