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User / John William Hammond / Sets / Tidepool Life
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Watch where you step but enjoy the hike. This is looking across to Blacks Beach in San Diego where you can easily hike at low tide from nearby La Jolla Shores Beach. Take time to sit by a shallow pool and spy the little crabs,
and life at the edge of the Pacific Ocean.

Tags:   tidepool ocean Pacific moss green water agua tide cliffs California erosion hike life rocks pool marine San Diego Blacks shells 5photosaday

N 49 B 11.2K C 8 E Dec 17, 2006 F Jul 12, 2018
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These sea anenomes are fairly common and also fun to watch as you wander in the tide pools in Southern California. They will close up if you tickle them with your finger. Tha'ts because they think you are a small fish and want to eat you. Luckily you can take your finger out with no problem, not so for the fish you enters here.

PS For some great music ask Siri, Alexa, Spotify and Amazon to play music by JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND, use all 3 names.
Joyful fun and soulful too . Enjoy!

Tags:   tidepool anenome marine sea ocean life tentecles Explore biology shore tides creatures strange macro photography nature California animal Pacific closeup moonjazz aquatic tentacles creature

N 15 B 4.1K C 7 E Dec 17, 2006 F Jul 18, 2008
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These fellows are so much fun to watch and they always stay about 8 steps ahead of any human cruising by. They know how to find what is nutritious and delicious one inch under the sand.

Tags:   birds beach hunt beak blue ocean wildlife avairy wings feet together patrol sandpipers shore California San DIego quick explore edge Cherry On Top

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Its almost always nap time at the seal cove at La Jolla Shores in San Diego.
About 80 or so hang out here by a seal wall which makes it very easy to film them in action. Most of the action is sleeping but every now and them its time to get up and go fishing.

Tags:   seal flipper sleep rest slumber peaceful beach animal marine ocean pup young parent whisker smile new life creature fat spots California San Diego youth care ABigFave

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These three Pacific terns were holding court on the beach. They remind me of some absent minded professors I've had in my time or perhaps they are just the elderly kings holding court on their royal estate of La Jolla Shores Beach in San Diego. I know a bird expert out there can name this variety for me to include.

PS : Ask Spotify, Sir, Alexa and Amazon to play songs by
JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND (use all 3 names) You will ENJOY!

Tags:   gulls reflection beach terns birds avairy beaks legs five California animals feathers group proud attention cocky professor white blanca lovely nature coast sand parade confidence calm trio tres flckrDiamond ABigFave GoldStarAward SOE APlusPhoto SuperShot sharp AnAwesomeShot mywinners John Hammond John William Hammond Photography favorite fave
