This Florida friend is seen at lakes and rivers throughout the state . He or she is often seen sitting like this on a perch drying there wings for the next flight. When in the water most of the body is submerged which helps them find fish and protects them from predators too. There long black neck stick out and it does indeed look like a snake gliding over the top. Related to cormorants and indeed this could be. one Their feathers are not waterproof like ducks so it can take them some time to dry out their feathers .
Tags: birds Florida feathers snake ahinga wings neck American cormorant
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Seahorses have a most fasinating biology. The males carry the eggs deposited by the female. They even give birth. Their tails help them hold on to sea grasses and kelp so they are carried away by surging tides ad waves. This one was in a small tank and we learned about the delicate balance of life for marine animals in the salt and fresh water lagoon at Tarpon Bay on Sanibel Island.
Seahorse mate for life, They mate during a full moon. They have tiny pectoral fins that rotate very fast like humming bird winds and hlp them turn and steer their bodies.
The average lifespan of a seahorse in the wild is estimated to be 1 to 5 years.
Seahorses beat their dorsal fins back and forth to propel themselves through the water in an upright position.
The food that seahorses eat pass into their digestive systems very quickly as they do not have a stomach and teeth. As the digestion procedure in seahorses is so quick they need to constantly eat to live.
A seahorse that is two weeks old can consume 3000 to 4000 brine shrimp in a day.
Seahorses have a single mate for life. Every morning, they come together, dance, change their color, twirl around with linked tails and then separate for the rest of the day.
While mating, seahorses utter musical sounds
Tags: Seahorse tail ocean animals marine biology life green water blue lagoon Florida nature behavior species small orange bright spine creature
My Dad's favorite place on earth for his last 30 years and it's pretty darn sweet. I did this in dry point but it comes out great in any medium. Hand me a fishin pole.
Tags: fun fish fishing dock lake peace traquility boat green Florida planks wood rest zen heaven beauty shelter backyard retired Tampa Hillsbourough
Taking a walk in this Florida state park means paying attention as you walk near the river bank. This adult gator was across the river so we felt nice and safe. However on the our side we did encounter a carcass and stayed clear of it just it case. Myakka River State Park is full of great nature trails and gives you opportunities to kayak, canoe or take a nature led boat tour of this swampy area where river and prairie meet the sky. When taking alligator photos just play it safe use your telephoto lens.
Tags: alligator animal river Florida skin tail predator bank scales feet hunter eyes Myakka River park environment adult large gator water marsh danger big photo swamp explore south
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We had a fine visit to central Florida. We didn't go hand to hand and wrestles any alligators but we did see a lot of them as well as other swamp creatures, herons, possum, armidillos and so many birds. It was cool weather for most of our visit but finally started to warm up to shorts and swimsuit weather just as we were leaving. The many state river parks are a nice change from the beach areas where most will go. Cheers and blessings.
Tags: Florida shorts happy hike blue nature warm lovely beauty relax casual clothes sweater aqua soft smile sunglasses woman female bright
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