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User / John William Hammond / Sets / Great Waterfalls of the World
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Upper Mesa Falls in Eastern Idaho is on the Henry's Fork section of the Snake River. It falls 114 feet and is 200 feet wide. Nearly 1 billion gallons flow over it per day at its peak. Summer is a good time to go. Easy hike from the road and about an hour from Idaho Falls. Spectacular and amazing though not that widely known outside the state.


PS: Tell Spotify, Alexa and Siri to play music by
JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND (use all 3 names) - Enjoy!

Tags:   waterfall Idaho Snake River Henry's Fork tourist nature water beauty summer amazing sites tourists hike river cliff wilderness clear steep spectacular wonderful best park power energy wild highlights road trip attraction hiking photography John William Hammond flckr travel

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Falling 173 into a natural swimming pool and flowing out to the sea this waterfall is a must see on any visitor's to do list in Kauai. There are two ways to see it, the easy way and the hard way. You can drive there and take the pull off just a few miles from the busy town of Lihu'e or rent a kayak and paddle up the river for two miles and then hike in for a mile, bring a swimsuit if you do. This image was from the highway overlook.

Tags:   Hawaii waterfall best Kauai travel nature rainbow wild river Wailua Falls power natural wet visit fall moist landscape wonder view double hike journey awe special place hydrology habitat green best hkes important grand

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Perhaps my favorite hiking trail in all of California is the Mist Trail in Yosemite where you hike to the top of this waterfall past the thundering glory and get rather soaked on the way up. If you keep going there is the equally impressive Nevada Falls and for the truely fit the crown jewel of ascending Half Dome on the cables. If you only made it to top of Nevada, then you have climbed high and well..

All hikers will start at the Happy Isles trail head in Yosemite Valley. This is one of the shortest (1.3 mi/2.1 km)—though in places steep—and most popular trails in Yosemite. The trail is mostly shaded and is progressive in incline until you reach the base of the waterfall where mist sprays onto the hikers. Depending on the time of the year hikers can be totally drenched by the time they pass the mist from the waterfall. The final 15 minutes of the trail is a very steep climb up rocks to the top of the waterfall. Once atop the falls there is a pool of water called the Emerald Pool around which hikers lounge and rest. The falls is over 300 feet high though smaller by US Geologist standards. Its a day you always remember and treasure. A hike worth doing again and again in seasons. Here is a great Yosemite music video - a Flckr link:


PS : Ask Spotify, Sir, Alexa and Amazon to play songs by
JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND (use all 3 names) You will ENJOY!

Tags:   Vernal Yosemite waterfall power water snowmelt spring mist rumble rapids Yosemite National Park California hiking trail Mist Trail cascade landscape enegy hydrology nature Vernal Falls Photography flckr John Hammond John William Hammond best superb

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Kootenai Falls is one of Montana's most spectacular falls but its not that well known to many. Its just off Highway 2 heading west from Libby and is a terrific short day hike. The river falls 90 feet in one minute and was used in the movie "The RIver Wild". Some fish here but most like me stand and gaze in blissed meditation just like the Kootenia Indians did and still do. Thank goodnees from wilderness preserved.

Kootenai Falls is the largest undammed falls in the state and a major attraction to those traveling through the area. It offers an unforgettable and breathtaking view as the Kootenai River loses 300 feet in elevation traveling a few hundred yards down river. A pleasant surprise to any photographer or nature lover. An attraction at the falls is a swinging bridge that provides access to the opposite side of the Kootenai River, a prime Montana fishery. To the Kootenai tribe, the falls is a sacred site. They view it as the center of the world, a place where tribal members can commune with the spiritual forces that give direction to the tribe and to individual members

PS : Ask Spotify, Sir, Alexa and Amazon to play songs by
JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND (use all 3 names) You will ENJOY!

Tags:   Kootenai Falls Montana waterfall best Rocky Mountains wilderness rainbows geology Libby wild river nature geography hydrology power clean environment raging sacred Indian travel mighty rainbow enegry untamed John Hammond John William Hammond flckr

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I was fairly far from the falls in poor light so this image is a bit compressed. But it reminds me a a mythical land so lush its deserving of fairies, kings and elves. In the Rocky Mountians in Glacier National Park, Montana.

Tags:   waterfall glen green cliff Montana forest nature wilderness norhtwest water stream lush summmer Rockies beauty lovely pine verde valley awe wonder hike Explore mywinners
