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User / John William Hammond / Sets / Bird Silhouettes
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My too short visit to Morro Bay included some very gray misty overcast skies (not so unusaull). Even with all the gray I actually got an ok photo of this Pacific curlew but he looks so much cooler in graphic form. Like wrapped chocolate wafers he now comes in blue, green, red, pink, yellow as well as his original and B/W. I may put them together as a poster soon.

PS For some great music ask Siri, Alexa, Spotify and Amazon to play music by JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND, use all 3 names.
Joyful fun and soulful too . Enjoy!

Tags:   curlew bird shorebird beak curve shadow silhouette legs skinny beach wildlife audobon avairy photoshop morrobay california Pacific ocean sea lamar yellow orange speckled sand stance solo one feathered coast amarillo long-billed curlew Numenius americanus sandpiper flckr art Photography John William Hammond fave favorite

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Well I took it last week but its one of those images that is timeless and I hope some artist gets the same good view 1000 years from now. Blessings to all.


PS: Tell Spotify, Alexa and Siri to play music by
JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND (use all 3 names) - Enjoy!

Tags:   one solo alone wings bird gull sunset gold California coast classic silhouette wave shore Pacific horizon pure avairy peace calm perfect sun clouds yellow shimmer shine San Diego double twin reflection awesome wonder zen beach sand west sink time twilight eve tomorrow today timeless forever sea creation god vision landscape harmony single beauty bliss heaven favorite unity splendid

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Looks more like Lousiana but I saw this stork or crane from a distance at sunset in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. The telephoto lense and dim light made it more ideal for a sillohouette image. The yellow orange color glow is real though and I was delighted to see this bird double as he searched for fish in the shallow lake of the Wyoming wonder.

Tags:   crane bird neck double silhouette orange sunset Yellowstone nature hunt food forage twilight yellow feather bill beack beauty wonder wilderness scavange unspoiled reflection twin photograph closeup animal ecosystem wet glow golden evening hurting survival color mirror image environment wetlands avion egret heron large

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Its simple but thats what I like about this one too. Reminds me of that delightful story of Johnathan Livingston Seagul. These gulls may be pests at the picnic but the are still symbolic of live by and in the ocean. They are highly intelligent and part of natures scavenging clean up crew. Ahh to have wings to fly. Blessings

Tags:   seagull birds flight wings sail ocean closeup hoover wind feathers animal freedom nature Pacific icon beak overhead master air Larus scavenger ABigFave

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Near the end of sunset the light shift can be soft or vivid and bright. On this day the colors where dreamy and pure. I love walking behind people and animals to get an object between me and the sun during those final minutes of golden light. That when photography is a joy and each second of time is something to treasure. I often go overboard taking way to many images and pay for it later in work in the editing room. Still for moments like these its worth the work and effort and I get to relive a wonderful hour at the seashore. Peace.

Tags:   two birds Orange yellow silhouette calm shore California color colour still water ocean art legs twin shadow nature sunset shape USA
