The moray eel is long and snake-like with brown, smooth skin, eyes that have a milky-blue outline, and a mouth featuring large, pointed white teeth. People tend to think they look sinister because they usually have their mouths open, but the eels actually do this to pass water over their gills – this is how they breathe. In fact, while a moray eel will not hesitate to defend itself or follow prey, they generally don’t attack unless provoked. Like the creature from the movie Alien they have two sets of jaws with teeth. They can slither into rock crevises to eat octopus and other hidden fish.
Tags: eels California marine biology Pacific slither predator aggressive hunt
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These sea anenomes are fairly common and also fun to watch as you wander in the tide pools in Southern California. They will close up if you tickle them with your finger. Tha'ts because they think you are a small fish and want to eat you. Luckily you can take your finger out with no problem, not so for the fish you enters here.
PS For some great music ask Siri, Alexa, Spotify and Amazon to play music by JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND, use all 3 names.
Joyful fun and soulful too . Enjoy!
Tags: tidepool anenome marine sea ocean life tentecles Explore biology shore tides creatures strange macro photography nature California animal Pacific closeup moonjazz aquatic tentacles creature
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The moon jellyfish are commonly found in coastal regions in warm and temperate waters. They are found in almost all the waters of the world between 70 degrees N and 40 degrees S, but are most abundant in Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Like most other jellyfish are only capable of an upward thrust on their own and essentially depend upon the tides and currents of the waters to keep them suspended and for horizontal movement. Moon jellyfish usually stay near the surface of the water and travel with the tides.
The Moon jellyfish is carnivorous and mainly feeds on plankton like mollusks, crustaceans and copepods. They are also known to feed on zooplankton like hydromedusae and ctenophores. Moon jellyfish of all ages are equipped with venom filled nematocysts on their tentacles to help them procure food by stinging their victim and trapping in within mucus. On the other hand, moon jellyfish are fed upon by a number of large fish and the sea turtle. Even some marine birds are known to feed on moon jellyfish, especially because moon jellyfish tend to stay close to the surface of the water.
Moon jellyfish reproduce sexually and have both males and females in the species. They are most likely to be sexually mature around spring and summer of each year.
The sting of the moon jellyfish is not fatal or dangerous to humans.
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Tags: aquatic creature jellyfish translucent ocean marine life botany science mystery
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Anemones are beautiful marine animals with wavy tentacles, and resemble underwater flowers. They are usually brightly colored, adopting shades of white, green, blue, orange, red or mauve, often contributing to the spectacular walls of invertebrates populating reefs. Anemones usually attach themselves to rocks and Sea anemones are carnivores that take an unusual guise. Their beautiful flower-like tentacles have a sinister purpose. Fish, snails or crabs that blunder into these waving fronds are soon paralyzed by the stinging tentacles, engulfed by the central mouth and digested within the tube-like body.underwater structures, although some species burrow into mud or sand.
This shot was taken at the wonderful Scripps Aquarium in San Diego, a wonderful place to visit for all ages.
PS Tell Spotify , Alexa, Siri and Amazon to play music by
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Tags: tentacles ocean life blue aquarium sea marine underwater creature invertebrate reef NiceShot color photography bright biology vivid weird stange unusual
Leaf-like appendages on the head and body help camouflage this animal. Although its color looks bright in the Aquarium exhibit, its greenish coloration appears dull in its natural habitat. This makes the seadragon resemble a plant. More closely related to pipefish than seahorses, seadragons lack prehensile tails, do not swim vertically, and are larger than seahorses.
The leafy sea dragon lives among rocky reefs, seaweed beds, seagrass meadows and on sand patches near weed covered reefs where it looks like drifting seaweed. It is one is one of two species of sea dragon found in Australia's southern waters and nowhere else in the world,
PS : Ask Spotify, Sir, Alexa and Amazon to play songs by
JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND (use all 3 names) You will ENJOY!
Tags: ocean fish sea life animals coral unusual water sealife aquarium wonder dragon seadragon kelp disguise yellow plant adaptaion unique adaptation biology aquatic strange seaweed photography moonjazz marine underwater WOW John Hammond John William Hammond flckr best