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User / John William Hammond / Sets / Into the Forest
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The tallest trees in the world get over half of there water from the nightly coastal fog that condenses into water. They grow to over 300 feet tall,some higher. Redwoods have been around for about 240 million years and in California for at least 20 million years so dinosaurs used to wander here.
Trees are crucial to maintaining a stable human-friendly climate. Studies show that coast redwoods capture more carbon dioxide (CO2) from our cars, trucks and power plants than any other tree on Earth. Alas the current occupants of Congress want to slash 70 percents off budgets to protect our forest which will actually cause more jobs to be lost and more trees to be lost fire and logging. All kinds of animals are supported by the forest to including fish, bears, hundreds of bird species and insects to.
Tell our politicians to protect our environment.
Donate to groups like the Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy and
the Sempervirens Fund. Take your kids to the forest and take time to learn more about nature and enjoy her gifts too.

I took this photo on a hike in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California.

Los árboles más altos del mundo consiguen más de la mitad de su agua de la niebla costera nocturna que se condensa en agua. Crecen a más de 300 pies de altura, algunos más altos. Redwoods han existido por alrededor de 240 millones de años y en California por lo menos 20 millones de años para que los dinosaurios solían vagar aquí.
Los árboles son cruciales para mantener un clima humano estable y amigable. Los estudios muestran que las secuoyas costeras capturan más dióxido de carbono (CO2) de nuestros automóviles, camiones y plantas de energía que cualquier otro árbol en la Tierra. Por desgracia, los actuales ocupantes del Congreso quieren recortar el 70% de los presupuestos para proteger nuestro bosque, lo que en realidad hará que se pierdan más empleos y se pierdan más árboles por incendios y enfermedades de los insectos. Todos los tipos de animales son apoyados por el bosque para incluir peces, osos, cientos de especies de aves e insectos.
Tomé esta foto el año pasado en las montañas de Santa Cruz al sur y al este de San Francisco. Si usted viene a California asegúrese de tomar una caminata en estos bosques increíbles. Su llenará de aire fresco y recuerdos verdes. Llévese a los niños también si tiene alguno. Bendiciones.

flic.kr/p/2p84VDS - Click for a great music nature video about trees worldwide.

Tags:   redwoods forest nature green trees tall tallest California environment pine Photography save Santa Cruz Mountains hiking Sierra Club Earth Science Sempervirens giants canopy dense preserve camping earth planet Beauty home sanctuary sacred place inspiration looking up Canon Moonjazz places Beautiful flckr John William Hammond best favorite breathtaking awe facts amaizing high

N 33 B 7.9K C 10 E Aug 30, 2006 F Jul 24, 2008
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The old growth forest on the eastern side of Mt. Rainer National Park are magical. The combination of for and sun produce amazing greens of every shade. You will feel small in size and awed by what happens to nature when left alone to thrive. A treasure.

Tags:   green forest leaves Washington tall plants florish grow old wilderness preserve dense arbol northwest Rainer special oxygen breath clean air lime color vivid pure protected hike glen earth bosque verde 5photosaday platinumphoto

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Out of tiny seeds mighty things do grow. The base of this massive sequoia tree looks like a giant dinosaur leg. In fact some of these tree were around during that period though the oldest of this species is about 2000 years. In addition to Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks you can walk through these wonder trees at Big Trees State Park off of Highway 4 in the Sierra Nevada gold country north of Murphy's. There are two large grooves worth visiting and I've never seen a photo yet that can compare to a visit to the real thing. The cinimmon colored bark is a gem surrounded by the greenfirs and conifers. Its also a fine place to keep an eye out for banana slugs too.
They are the fastest growing trees in the world, the bark can get up to four feet thick, usually grow at elevations between 5,000 to 7,000 feet.

Tags:   Sequoia giant tree California bark plant species botany nature huge forest park unique tall Tall Trees State Park trunk base red magnificent arbol stupendous monster amazing giant sequoia size big wide grow supreme largest biggest best trip travel visit protected

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Traveling the Blue Ridge Highway at the seasonal peak is a great scrapbook memory for many families. Part national park, part state wilderness and dotted with little towns each with its own quilting shop.
Ask Alexa, Siri and/or Spotify to play music
by John William Hammond (use all 3 names)
. you will enjoy!

Tags:   forest trees red color photo North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway vista travel leaves peak change pretty best fall seasons mountain Landscape amazing appreciation senic serenity mixed deciduous Tourist south USA green variety Appalachian Trail hiking woods vast looking nature photography moonjazz paradise Canon flckr favorite

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Hiking in a forest in the rain In New England you will encounter birch trees. The useful bark is beautiful color . Used of course for canoes and parchment it also has uses in medicine .
The best way to collect is to find a down tree. Cutting the tree if alive should only be done by experts as removing the bark exposes the tree to more insects and could kill the tree.
By hiking in the rain you will see things you might not otherwise including newts, snakes,
and beetles . Enjoy the forest and plant a tree where you live or contribute to a state or national park. We need trees and they give us all so much including the air we breath.

Tags:   tree bark brich forest New England plants nature photo uses conservation Connecticut fallen
