Nature has some wonderful ways to annouce " I am healthy and ready for breeding" Few have better costumes then these macaws. They are natives of central and south
America, can live up to 80 years, and endangered due to habitat loss and capture. This one was in the San Diego Zoo.
I hope your color screens are working well. Cheers.
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by John William Hammond . You will enjoy!
Tags: Rainbow feathers beak scarlet bird perch red rojo blue azul yellow amirrillo color vivid animanl flight zoo adaptation parrot Amazon rainforest animal bright endangered brilliant magnificent Canon photo moonjazz best portrait vibrant white favorite
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For most shorebirds, San Francisco Bay is a major North American refuge during their migration and wintering periods. Avocets are often found on mudflats digging for aquatic invertebrates (bugs). The American avocet has a distinctive method of feeding by swinging its head and bill side to side as it captures insects in shallow water. It is one the the few bird species that has different shaped bills for males and females.
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PS: ask your music streaming service to play music by
JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND (all 3 words) you will ENJOY! and visit my music video album here on Flckr too.
Tags: Nature Birds avocet San Francisco feeding Photography Audobon preserve shorebird species wade scavenge search bird watching California
A windy day at the beach can make the most handsome of birds look a bit wild and in need of a comb. He of she doesn't mind a bit this crane was hunting for a juicy inscect meal in the low tide sands of Torrey Pines State Beach.
Tags: white feathers bird crane young legs nature beak beach webfoot unkept fluster funny ugly reflection California ugly duckling windy ruffled breeze looks shore birds coast mywinners
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This is the same peacock as yesterday but without the closeup lens. I had to wait for some time untill at last he walked into the sunlight to put his full glory on display. Peacocks are large, colorful pheasants known for their iridescent tails. These tail feathers spread out in a distinctive train that is more than 60 percent of the bird’s total body length and boast colorful "eye" markings of blue, gold, red, and other hues. The large train is used in mating rituals and courtship displays. It can be arched into a magnificent fan that reaches across the bird's back and touches the ground on either side. Females are believed to choose their mates according to the size, color, and quality of these outrageous feather trains.
The term "peacock" is commonly used to refer to birds of both sexes. Technically, only males are peacocks. Females are peahens, and together, they are called peafowl.
PS : for some great songs and music Ask Spotify, Alexa, Siri, or Amazon to play music by JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND (use all 3 names. - or visit my music video album here on Flckr.
Tags: bird color feather courtship peacock blue green proud showoff pheasant iridescent mating moonjazz closeup display male wings Canon flickr photography John William Hammond
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Hiking along the beach in northern California near Drake's Bay a wave of sandpipers soar and hunt as a group. Looking like a bank of giant misquitos they hoover over the waves then flock back to the beach to hunt and peck for tiny crabs under the sand.
PS For some great music ask Siri, Alexa, Spotify and Amazon to play music by JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND, use all 3 names.
Joyful fun and soulful too . Enjoy!
Tags: birds sandpiper ocean Pacific flock groups nature California shore Point Reyes burst Photography Moonjazz wild flight