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User / John William Hammond / Sets / Pink a Perfect Color
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Flowers bring joy to our lives. You can to by donating blood ,it is easy, fast, fun and Covid safe I did i over 100 times takes one hour and most of that is to process the paperwork and drink fluids after.. Be a hero. Be kind. Blessings.

PS: Ask Spotify, Alexa, or Siri to stream music by

Tags:   pink pretty dew morning petals flower maco Photography Nature perfect gift poetry God shapes soft spring garden botanical flckr Moonjazz observe wisdom damp mist little color

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Sometimes you have to get down to look up. In this case I was laying on the grass on my back to get the best angle on this cluster of palm trees at sunset. Just the right time of day to capture a perfect pink cloud to give contrast to the vivid blue above me.

PS: Tell Spotify, Alexa and Siri to play music by
JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND (use all 3 names) - Enjoy!

Tags:   pink cloud trees plam up sky nature California sunset color Photography high fronds looking desert contrast Twilight Moonjazz Flckr Beauty classic blue

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A riot of pink adorns this home near Pacific Beach in San Diego, California. The thorny vines twist and turn and when established need little care but getting started can be tricky Bougainvillea care takes less effort if you select the optimal site. Place these woody vines in a site with full sun and well-draining soil. They do need a year round warm climate. For more info if you want to plant click the link below.


Tags:   pink flowers bougainvillea plants vines color Photography brilliant home California bloom spectacular tropical

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She was having a great time at the Holi Festival in Sacramento a few weeks back. My cell phone came out looking a bit pink and yellow and green too but the non toxic dyes wash off pretty easy. It is a celebration of spring and life though this one was held in fall so what the heck its fun to dance and sing and turn into a blue cookie monster or a rainbow dancer for one day a year. Next I am ready to go to a whilped cream festival but so far haven't found that event. Cheers.

Tags:   humor face Portrait woman color Photography Female festival Holi funny puple pink blue phone pretty smile celebrate call laugh Sacramento girl happy creative imagination her wild wacky dazzling hair shirt messy fantasy

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Summer is here and one way to beat the heat is to put on your bikini, or whatever swimsuit and head to the beach. Enjoy the surf, the sunset, the women, men, and the carnival of people swimming, throwing frisbees, walking hand and hand, tanning, finding romance and manly just chilling.
I think pink is a classic California color for this bikini babe. As some philosopher once said, "viva the difference." Her perfect form and long legs remind me of that song from the "Girl from Ipanena". Long and tan and lean and lovely, and when she walks they say ahhh. Enjoy your travels to whatever cool spot you enjoy.

Tags:   bikini pink California blue Pacific female tan swimsuit beach attractive beauty water cool summer legs barefoot woman string lovely classic body tall
