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User / John William Hammond / Sets / Signs of the Times
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A cool bar in downtown Providence, Rhode Island . Pull up a stoll and stay awhile.

Here is a link to more amazing photography which include
music too.flic.kr/p/2kB7q7Y

PS Tell Spotify, Alexa, Siri and Amazon to play music by
JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND (use all 3 names) It's Great!

Tags:   fisherman cap yellow beard seaweed sign bar tavern New England Providence fun carving man stockingcap' sailor tradition friends Captain Captain Seaweeds beverage alehouse drinks neighborhood Brown University Narraganset beer alcohol good times slty local

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Here is a one of kind sign need a across the street from a fishing pier in St. Peterburg, Florida. It is nest to the quaint old town with nice art shops and the usual t shirt and sea shell stores. Yes there are those seniors and young folks too who spend all day sitting on the docks and casting their lines into Tampa Bay. There are also daily fishing boat excursions near here so folks come back with their ice box full of seafood if they are lucky. There are a lot of pelicans and gulls here to scoop up the fish heads and bread crumbs that come their way. Some times its best in life to take your time and enjoy the ride whether you are an old fisherman or a commuter in traffic.

Tags:   fishing humor fisherman Florida road sign funny old St. Perterburg crossing

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I love neon signs so I was happy to stay at the motel that has this sign. A lucky accident or was it fate? Its actually the Quality Inn in Chico , California 90 miles north of Sacramento. . For decades is was the Thunderbird Lodge on Main Street. It is a nice place to stay when traveling through the town as can walk just a few blocks to the downtown area of shops , dining areas and town square that is one of most charming in the state. Don't leave town without taking a walk in fabulous Bidwell Park. An American classic, the sign and the park.

Tags:   neon sign classic travel motel Thunderbird Chico art

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"Slow down you move to fast , got to make the morning last" Paul Simon.
We all move too fast these days. So if you get a change next time you eat your apple,
close your eyes and just enjoy the apple. Or take a walk without the ipod and you might hear real birds singing. This sign was out at a mobile home in California's high desert.
Nature was wise to give them their own portable mobile home to keep them in the shade of the 100 degree plus weather and also protection from coyotes and hawks and buzzards.Did you ever hear of a turtle with sunburn? cheers.

Tags:   turtle slow sign traffic speed desert humor tortise shell funny

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Sign from a local coffee shop I visit near the beach. It makes me smile while I sip my brew. Enjoy your cup of Joe and cheers. PS Ignore the advice I love my sleep as much as my java.

Tags:   joke smile sign coffee red hairdo nostalgia wake beverage drink hot fun humor old fashioned past java brew funny laugh cheers toast morning aroma pep black advertise cartoon illustrate dead saying
