Dogs enjoy the water as much or more then us humans. At dog beach in San Diego they get to play and swim off the leash. Its a wld and fun spot for animals and owners. There are plenty of doggies bags to help clean up and its in a remote corner of the ocean removed form most swimmers and sufers to keep it healthy for all. There is a pet friendly motel for those out of town visitors just fifty yards from the beach. At most of the other beaches you will be finded for bringing a pet though after 6 pm you can bring them if they are on a leash..
Tags: puppy jump swim splach ocean dog romp cute little legs scamper silhouette pet Dog Beach
Having fun at sunset out at Ocean Beach in San Diego. The north side of the beach is dedicated to pet owners. There is even a pet friendly motel right next to this area so you can bring your dog from out of town and go for a morning, afternoon, and evening romp at the beach.
PS For some great music ask Siri, Alexa, Spotify and Amazon to play music by JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND, use all 3 names.
Joyful fun and soulful too . Enjoy!
Tags: fetch retrieve throw dog pet nature friends canine run photography man's best friend pets train beach California reflections ocean light companion moonjazz race favorite fave flckr shilhouette John William Hammond
You couldTcall this a very wet kiss. At Dog Beach in San DIego all kinds of cannines interact romping in the surf, chasing balls and frisbees, and mostly checking out the other dogs. Its the only beach where you can let your dog go off the leash but you still have to make sure you pet minds its manners and that you clean up afterwards
These two may not be in love but they sure got eyeball to eyeball as they sniff away to their delight and ours. For more happiness like this click the link below and cheers.
Tags: dogs cannine cute wet fur emotion love smell funny adorable paws California amuse kiss sweetheart beach beso perro sweet romance sniff noses pets friends amigos two flckr photo moonjazz OO la furry
Life comes and goes quickly, be kind to all, do the best you can, take yourself and your dogs and kids for walks, enjoy nature. Give back to charity. Look up at the stars. Breath deep. Laugh, weep and close you eyes and remember a sweet moment. Blessings.
PS For some great music ask Siri, Alexa, Spotify and Amazon to play music by JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND, use all 3 names.
Joyful fun and soulful too . Enjoy! a Flkcr link to a great song video.
Tags: dogs pets ocean beach California exercise walk happy play owners companion friends romp surf peace karma legs friend best playful scamper trio shadows dog silhouette joy perro meaning of life memories precious love canine little amigos
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I added this stocky bulldog to my set the happiest dogs in the world. He was enjoying the ocean at Dog Beach in San Diego where you can let your pet go off the leash to romp in the waves and chase and smell other dogs. Owner enjoy the beach too and there are baggies on hand to clean up. Sometimes like with any animals there is a danger of a scrap but most are well behaved and having a great time chasing balls, sticks and smelling butts. Ahh the good life.
here are some more images to make you smile click the link to more in flckr
Tags: bulldog dogs smile happy pets wet beach leash animals tongue water