A delightful place that will catch you eye in rural Connecticut. Great paint colors, a sense of humor, and a welcoming spot to go for coffee, lunch or maybe some open mike music. They might even sell you some catnip or cat toys. Cheers.
Here is a Flckr link to a very beautiful song video.
PS Ask Spotify, Siri, Alexa, and Amazon to play music by
JOHN WILLIAM HAMMOND (use all 3 names) Enjoy.
Tags: cats blue green house color Photography New England Two wrasslin Cats coffeehouse paint windows roadside coffeeshop funny signs humor cute laugh Americana felines Connecticut friendly attractuin wayside rural welcome happy unique
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The wonderful blue light on a shiny Pacific day makes a rather romantic mellow tone to a sunny morning in southern California. The backdrop is Ocean Beach Pier in San Diego. Water is still about sixty degrees so if you in for longer then a few minutes a wet suit really helps keep the body warm. Cheers and Blessings, Moonjazz. Click below for a great action surf photo.
Tags: surfing companion trio light blue California beach male female ready photo moonjazz wade preparation ocean Pacific shining sea
Taking a winter walk by the Sacramento River the clouds were waltzing along the river on a perfect day after a rain storm. A French Impressionist painting by nature world recalled a soothing symphony by Edgar or the Pastoral Symphony of Beethoven, a simple walk has its pleasures. I could have posted this from any of four angles and been pleased.
Tags: water reflections Clouds blue soft blurry dreamy pastel impressionism Photography Canon Moonjazz Flckr floating illusion white puffy river best illusions beauty upsidedown liquid above below reflection ripple
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Having fun at a July night gathering before a fireworks show. These boys were having a blast with there glow sticks. I used about a 4 second time lapse exposure. Have fun and be creative.
PS: ask Alexa, Siri and Spotify to play music by
Tags: glow friends boys creative July night party color neon circles light painting fun children wild blue pink Time-lapse Canon Fourth of July wow interesting strange play artists
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Probably my favorite spot in the whole world is anywhere in Yosemite. This is at around 8,000 feet in the Tuolumne Meadows area. That is Lembert Dome in the background. Many visitors don't get up to this part of the park and its a pristine wildness that is hiking heaven.
Enjoy this fantastic Yosemite nature video too click here flic.kr/p/2mMT8Yj
PS ask Spotify, Alexa, and Siri to play music by
Tags: Yosemite blue stream dome wilderness nature California pure water winding meander park sky high granite clouds trees pines alpine mountains Lembert hike explore bliss natural agua backcountry river photography national park clean Sierra Nevada moonjazz flckr BRILLIANT John William Hammond