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User / Mr Mikage (ミスター御影) / Favorites
Matthew S / 68,918 items

N 36 B 552 C 10 E Jan 20, 2025 F Jan 28, 2025
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This building, Tokyo Transportation Center, was built in 1965 and is now 60 years old. It's rare to find a building this old in central Tokyo, but it doesn't feel dated. 👌The neon colors of this chandelier change periodically, with pink and blue descending from above.

東京交通会館の竣工は1965年ですから, 築60年と言うことに成ります。有楽町駅東口一帯は再開発計画が有り, このビルも何れ取り壊されます。2030年頃には東口一帯の景観は一変するでしょう。然し, このシャンゼリアは再利用して欲しいものです👍

Tags:   building staircase spiral chandelier Tokyo 有楽町 東京交通会館

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© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved

Street photography from Ayr, Scotland.

Aside from being the title of an 80s new wave song by The Lotus Eaters, this was also my first candid street shot in some 3 years or more. During that time my PTSD had deteriorated to the point where most days I couldn't even answer the door to the postman.

Candid eye contact, a breaking smile and learning that I could still do this lead to me making more outings with my camera when I was able to do so and venturing back into Glasgow once again.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend of photography my Flickr friends. Keep the shutters clicking.

Tags:   Leanne Boulton people streetphoto bridge

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© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved

Street photography from Glasgow, Scotland.

First shot out of the bag on my return to street photography in Glasgow after 3 years away with severe PTSD and a terrifying period of homelessness. Proving to myself that I still have what it takes - albeit with a hill of confidence to climb.

I had done a little street shooting in Ayr prior to this, and will share some of those in good time, but being back in the big city with camera in hand was a magical feeling.

During my time without my computer I captured 969 photos onto my camera card. It may take some time to edit them all.

Thank you all for your incredible support and care. You have kept me strong through this extremely difficult time and your warm welcome back to Flickr has brought me to tears. My deepest thanks to you.

Take care my Flickr friends and family. It is wonderful to return!

Tags:   Leanne Boulton people streetphoto faces

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© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved

Archie is hiding in his pod while boxes are being unpacked in our new home.

An actual home too as I have spent the last 5 months homeless after a relationship breakup. I was fortunate to have been given temporary housing during that time but you can only take what you can carry. Most of my camera gear and, more importantly, my PC was in storage the whole time.

I cannot begin to express how much I missed being able to share my photos and to enjoy yours on my big screen. I did pick up my camera again and managed to take some 969 shots during that time which are now, thankfully, on my PC and ready to be edited. That should keep me busy!

My sincerest and deepest thanks go to my Flickr friends and followers that have given me a whole ton of emotional support and little much needed financial support during this difficult time. Some of whom went above and beyond and kept me out of the darkest of places when it mattered the most and those that have kept my photography dream alive. I owe you more than I can ever repay, though I shall of course try.

There is still much work to do and I have a mountain to climb ahead. I'll give it my best shot, you know that I will, and while I may need some help yet still - know that I am in a better place to give something of myself to you and your photography too.

As for my street photography, you will be pleased to know that the shots I have been taking have surprised me. I'll be editing and sharing as soon as I can.

Thank you all again for your warmth, care and support.

Best wishes


Tags:   Leanne Boulton cat portrait beautiful home

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