Löwenzahn (Dandelion) is a children's television series produced and aired by German public broadcaster ZDF on German television. Originally conceived and hosted by Peter Lustig the first episode aired on January 7, 1979 then titled Pusteblume. The first episode of the retitled series Löwenzahn aired on March 24, 1981. After Lustig's health-related retirement, the show was taken over by actor Guido Hammesfahr (playing the new host Fritz Fuchs) in October 2006.
Each 30 minute episode is dedicated to a separate issue or theme and consists mainly of related short featurettes, which explain, explore and educate how things of everyday life and even complex systems work. It spans a wide variety of topics from technology and industry to something as mundane as how the postal service works.
Löwenzahn (vert. Paardenbloem) is een informatieve Duitse (kinder)televisieserie van de ZDF. De serie begon op 7 januari 1979 onder de naam Pusteblume, maar de naam werd in 1981 veranderd in "Löwenzahn" door rechtenproblemen hiermee.
Tot het einde van 2005 werd de serie gepresenteerd door Peter Lustig, die zich in het begin van 2006 vanwege gezondheidsredenen uit de productie terugtrok. In oktober 2006 nam Guido Hammesfahr, onder de naam van "Frits Fuchs" de rol van presentator over.
Aan de hand van de serie zijn ook computerspelen gemaakt en 2 films geproduceerd: Die Reise ins Abenteuer en Verblüffende Entdeckung in Bärstadt.
Löwenzahn is te vergelijken met het Nederlandse televisieprogramma Het Klokhuis van de NPS, vanwege het informatieve karakter van de uitzending, die zich met name richt op kinderen in de basisschoolleeftijd. De uitzendingen richten zich met name op het geven van informatie over de wetenschap, waaronder biologie en het deelgebied hiervan, de ecologie.
De informatie is verwerkt in een verhalende setting, met terugkerende karakters, zoals de buurman Paschulke, de tante van Peter, de zus van Frits en de hond van Frits: Keks (koekje). Deze karakters geven de hoofdpersoon aanleiding om zeer uiteenlopende onderwerpen te behandelen, zoals uitleg over dieren en culturen, gezonde voeding, zoutwinning, verkeersproblematiek en sterren.
Vorgängersendung von Löwenzahn war die Reihe Pusteblume, deren Erstausstrahlung am 7. Januar 1979 stattfand.[1]
In dieser Serie wohnte Peter im Gegensatz zur späteren Sendung Löwenzahn noch in einem Haus in Bayern, doch als die Produktionsfirma FiB Streitigkeiten mit dem ZDF hatte, wurde die Serie eingestellt und von als Löwenzahn (FiB hatte die Namensrechte, deshalb die Umbenennung) im Bauwagen fortgesetzt. Zwanzig Folgen von Pusteblume wurden ausgestrahlt, zwei weitere (21 Peter stürmt den Gipfel und 22 Peter und das Seehundbaby) sind nur auf Video veröffentlicht worden.[2] In der ersten Folge von Löwenzahn zieht Peter aus, da eine Einflugschneise direkt über seinem Haus verläuft und er den Lärm nicht mehr aushält. Erstausstrahlung mit neuem Titel war am 4. Oktober 1981
Tags: Dandelion pusteblume lowenzahn Peter Lustig childhood jeugd duitse serie Fernsehen ZDF Frits Fuchs Deutschland Germany plant flora sun sunset macro eos 5D canon mrtungsten62 europe europa police police car lego brick emo inspired by work from Uschi hatseflats 15 nov krumpaaf interesting interestingness Fr@nk ƒr㋡ηk Pinterest
© 2014 Frank van Dongen
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Even ladybugs fancy the sea :-)
Location: North Sea beach, Domburg, The Netherlands.
The Coccinellidae are generally considered useful insects, because many species feed on aphids or scale insects, which are pests in gardens, agricultural fields, orchards, and similar places. Within the colonies of such plant-eating pests, they will lay hundreds of eggs, and when these hatch the larvae will commence feeding immediately. However, some species do have unwelcome effects. Among these, the most prominent are the subfamily Epilachninae, which are plant eaters. Usually, Epilachninae are only mild agricultural pests, eating the leaves of grain, potatoes, beans, and various other crops, but their numbers can increase explosively in years when their natural enemies are few, such as parasitoid wasps that attack their eggs. When that happens, they can do major crop damage. They occur in practically all the major crop-producing regions of temperate and tropical countries.
Tags: Coccinellidae ladybug ladybird lady beetle North Sea Zeeland The Netherlands Canon 6D 85mm Europe Domburg prime Top-f50 Top-f100 krumpaaf mrtungsten62 interesting interestingness Fr@nk ƒr㋡ηk Pinterest
Have a smooth weekend you all :)
Tags: to the right France Bretagne Breizh art artstream yellow street pavement weeds flower europe Fr@nk 264 nik shadow krumpaaf mrtungsten62 interesting interestingness ƒr㋡ηk Pinterest
Tags: Sony NEX fisheye converter summer flowers petals europe wide angle Fr@nk 100+Faves 200+Faves 300+Faves Top-f100 Top-f200 Top-f300 CreativeShot-Invited krumpaaf mrtungsten62 interesting interestingness ƒr㋡ηk Pinterest
Photography in the magical world of plants and bugs captures the intricate beauty and delicate interactions of nature. Macro shots reveal vibrant flowers and the fascinating details of insect anatomy, highlighting the delicate wings of butterflies and the complex eyes of dragonflies. Each image tells a story of symbiosis, resilience, and the breathtaking diversity of life often unnoticed by the naked eye.
A week ago, an intriguing idea struck me. What if each week I came up with a different theme? This notion seemed both exciting and promising, offering a fresh perspective and a constant source of novelty. I imagined diving into a new world every seven days, exploring diverse themes.
Tags: #MacroPhotography #NaturePhotography #CloseUpShots #InsectPhotography #PlantPhotography #NatureLovers #WildlifePhotography #MacroWorld #TinyWorld #NatureDetails #FloralMacro #BugLife #MicroNature #FlowerPhotography #InsectMacro #NaturePerfection #MacroMagic #ExtremeCloseUp #PhotoOfTheDay #NatureUpClose #TinyCreatures #MacroArt #NatureFocus #NatureShots #BeautyInDetails mrtungsten62 art colorful beauty close-up interesting backlight sunlight blur dof bokeh Macro Mondays #dontaskmewhichplantthisis EF2.8/100mm SYNTHOGRAPHY
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