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User / Miss Amanda Nicole / Have any you had the same experience?
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Recently, I had a prolonged "Amanda hiatus." Perhaps you've experienced this occurrence, where your inner girl goes dormant - sometimes for no particular reason, sometimes for all the right reasons, and sometimes for the wrong ones.

Would Amanda return? I knew intellectually she would, but that didn't diminish the sadness I felt at her absence. And the interlude allowed me to answer a question I'd heard before, but never really able to answer: "If you were able to take a pill that would completely eliminate all vestiges of your feminine side, taking with it any remembrance of having been this way, would you take it?" Ironcially, it was during Amanda's absence that the answer become most clear: No way in hell!

This is who I am, the *whole* me, and I'm incredibly grateful to have finally found myself. And I'm beginning to realize that many of my past decisions were made in light of me being un-whole, if you will... and I suppose it's time to pay the piper. But the future is bright and the horizon broad... I can't wait to see what it brings my way!

All my love to you for your support and encouragement!


And PS: "Alright Mr. DeMille..." This is my first closeup. Please be gentle!!
  • Views: 152996
  • Comments: 63
  • Favorites: 141
  • Taken: Mar 9, 2015
  • Uploaded: Mar 9, 2015
  • Updated: Jan 29, 2022