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User / Miss Amanda Nicole / "Uncertainty and expectation...
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...are the joys of life. Security is an insipid thing."
- William Congreve

The past few weeks have demonstrated the quote's latter element to be true. As I ponder what awaits me in the coming weeks, months, and years, it's becoming evident that the future's stability would likely come at the price of my happiness. For in order for my past expectations of the future to remain unchanged, I'd have to sacrifice the potential for real happiness, that I'd have to say goodbye to that pure, exquisite, and joyous place that I'd always dreamed was my due.

So instead, I'm learning to savor the future's instability. As Erich Fromm says, it's this uncertainty that "impels [woman] to unfold [her] powers." And I can see a bright future ahead, despite the knowledge that the path there will likely entail some pain and sadness for me... and unfortunately, for those around me. But the fact is that pain and sadness would likely come anyway, continued to be parsed out slowly and poisonously over the coming decades, particularly if I deny myself the chance to be as happy as I know I can be.

The journey continues...
  • Views: 185145
  • Comments: 159
  • Favorites: 685
  • Taken: Mar 26, 2015
  • Uploaded: Mar 28, 2015
  • Updated: Dec 15, 2023