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User / Miss Amanda Nicole / Amanda's Second Trip to Denver...
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This week has been a whirlwind of activity: amongst the Amanda achievements outlined below, I saw my sister and her family, my aunt and uncle, and a cousin; had a wonderful holiday dinner with all of them; and attended the funeral of a good family friend. I'm exhausted.

Mom and I had a great time again, as to be expected. The ability to express myself how and when I want was wonderful, and mom has learned to flip between gender markers in speech almost flawlessly. We shopped almost everyday, and my wardrobe has expanded considerably. We played dress up each night. We talked for hours. We cried tears of joy and sadness. We laughed our arses off.

On Thursday night, I went back to see Chris and Rick at Studio Lites. What amazing people - loving and caring, fun, smart - and incredibly knowledgeable about the community and its history. And Chris was able to pull off minor coup with my makeover. I felt beautiful again. Finally.

Then we ventured out - only my second public outing, and yes, both times have been with mom - returning to the Crown Social on South Broadway. I looked and felt wonderful, but a magical thing happened inside my head: I didn't care if I was read. In fact, I'm sure I *was* read. But as the only transwoman in the place, I felt like I was representing the community, and wanted to do it as elegantly as possible. I hope I pulled it off. The patrons and staff were accepting, respectful, inclusive and fun.

I wore the black wrap number you see here, though after returning home to play with outfits, I realize I should have worn a different ensemble, perhaps to be posted here later. Oh well, live and learn, eh?

Again, thank you all for your tremendous support and encouragement. The road I’m traveling is all the more lovely because I get to share it with you!

  • Views: 157015
  • Comments: 54
  • Favorites: 372
  • Taken: Dec 3, 2015
  • Uploaded: Dec 5, 2015
  • Updated: Nov 24, 2023