If there’s anything this life is teaching me, it’s that I shouldn’t be surprised by being surprised. And yes, it’s a lesson I’m still learning.
Last evening, after a day of indulging my femininity (primarily practicing makeup and organizing my “closet”), my wonderful wife returned from a not-so-great day at the clinic. She was obviously tired - and recovering from a nasty cold our 12 year old gave the whole family - but her demeanor to me was pleasant and engaging. And out of the blue, without a hint of animosity, and perhaps even a tone of curiosity, she asked me, “So, did you dress today?”
I was flummoxed, as much by her question as by the tone in which it was delivered. Attempting (poorly, I’m sure) to maintain my composure, I recounted some vague details without divulging too much, lest she be frightened away from asking more questions in the future. But another of this life’s lessons - to be bolder and discount my fear - prompted me to ask if there would ever be a time when she would want to see a photo. My intent was to plant a seed, and I didn’t expect that she’d ask to see one immediately. Which she didn’t. I hope I’m pleasantly surprised again in the not-too-distant future.
In the meantime, stay true to yourselves, and I’ll do the same!
Amanda Nicole
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