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User / Matt Straite Photography / Tears in the eye
Matt Straite / 917 items
This is Butte Creek Falls in Oregon. Its been on my list for a long time, but the trip there got so much longer recently when they closed the road that goes to it. There is another way to get there, but its miles, and miles longer. Turns out some vandals darn near burned the place down last year, and because its on private property, the utility company that owns it closed the road. Don't you love it how just a few rotten people can cut off access to something like this?!?

Anyway, this waterfall has a great cave behind it. Caves behind falls are not that unusual here in Oregon, we have seen plenty, including some quite famous ones in Silver Falls State Park not too far from this one. The difference here is the size of this cave. This image is a panorama of the scene. While processing it the image I thought it resembled an eye with water in the middle. Given the story of the cut off road, and the fact that so many lost access, I felt the title was appropriate. I should be thankful I suppose because it has really taken this waterfall off the grid. I left the cute gal in the corner of the image for scale (my wife).

You can see the powerful force of water in this image, look at the size of the tree on the right and all the logs inside this cave!

Enjoy, let me know what you think of the amazing backside of water. Sorry for those of you who don't know Disney, that's a Jungle Cruise joke. I used to drive Jungle Cruise boats three of four lifetimes ago.
  • Views: 10077
  • Comments: 79
  • Favorites: 227
  • Taken: Jun 15, 2019
  • Uploaded: Jul 20, 2019
  • Updated: Nov 22, 2023