Yep I am so behind. I have a ton of photos to upload. Some weeks I admittedly even missed so my project will most likely drag on beyond the first of next year which is totally okay. But I do plan to share what I have here. Just grabbed this one because it was fresh in the pile. :) MIss Lily's arthritis is flaring again and we have been to various doctors and physical therapy appointments among other things. Its been a whirlwind. Running 2 businesses with four kiddos doesn't necessarily give me a plethora of extra time I admit either and sometimes to really enjoy your family and spend time with your children you have to let other things go. You will be seeing lots more from me though. :)
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My inspiration for this week is imperfection. Despite the crumbs on the couch, Sophie bokeh, blurry foot and chopped limbs I absolutely adore this photo. :) I totally don't mind owning my mommy goggles some days.
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I think this one is pretty self explanatory. :)
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My resolution is simple. Get as many photos as I possibly can of my children. I am going to stop being a perfectionist and love every single snap because in the end its their sweet faces and the memories that matter most to me!
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Tonight I truly felt my oldest daughter grow just a tiny bit more before my eyes. Her maturity astounds me. Her gentle heart touches me. Most of all though, these quiet moments, when she is just a tad bit shy, I am reminded just how delicate she is. Just how important it is to be gentle and nurture her sweet spirit in hopes she knows she doesn't have to have a hard heart in a sometimes mean world. That she makes this planet just a bit better simply by being on it.
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