Tropical Plant Elephant Ear Pot by .:Tm:.Creation
3 Types, copy, mod, no trans - LI: 3 each Pot
Essence Pouf Pillows by .:Tm:.Creation
Adult or PG, with many Animations, copy, mod, no trans - LI: 5
.:TM:. Creation Marketplace
.:TM:. Creation Mainstore
Vintage Hot Chocolate by Bloom!
Click to get a Cup to hold / copy, mod, no trans / LI: 5
➼ Bloom - Furniture & Decor Marketplace
➼ Bloom - Furniture & Decor Mainstore
Holiday Succulent Pot by .:Tm:.Creation
@ Dubai Event (closes January 15, 2024)
clay and terracotta / copy, mod, no trans / LI: 2
➼ .:TM:. Creation Marketplace
➼ .:TM:. Creation Mainstore
Tags: home decor deco
Xmas Ball by .:Tm:.Creation
@ Holiday Shop and Hop Event (closes January 1, 2024)
single, double, trio / copy, mod, no trans
.:TM:. Creation Marketplace
.:TM:. Creation Mainstore
Jingle Ball by .:District 28:. - 75LD Lazy Sunday (ends December 6th)
change Texture, Pose works with AO
District 28 - Mainstore
District 28 - Marketplace
Tags: SecondLife winter christmas
WinterLove Bench by .:TM Creation:.
PG or adult
Couple and Single Animations
copy, mod, no trans, LI: 10
Snowy Nature Winter Scene by .:TM Creation:.
copy, mod, no trans, LI: 20
more fantastic Winter Deco/Scene in Mainstore or Marketplace
.:TM:. Creation Marketplace
.:TM:. Creation Mainstore
The little Underwater Sea Coastal Deco by .:Tm:.Creation
@ Enchantment ~ Siren's Song (closes December 2nd)
copy, mod, no trans - Landimpact: 8
.:TM:. Creation Marketplace
.:TM:. Creation Mainstore
Snuggle on boat Set by Tm:.Creation
Anchor me to you Beach Scene by .:Tm:.Creation
Tags: home deco decor maritim sea nautic