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Eric Lafforgue / 95 items

N 59 B 80.0K C 25 E Sep 12, 2008 F Dec 19, 2010
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The mass games see 100,000 people performing a choreographed show of simultaneous dancing and gymnastics on the pitch of Pyongyang's May Day stadium.
20,000 performers sit on a bank of seats, flipping coloured cards with high speed to form detailed composite pictures, sometimes moving!

Les jeux de masse rassemblent plus de 100 000 participants dans des choregraphies et des mouvements de gymnastique. Ils ont lieu au May Day stadium de Pyongyang. 20 000 ados assis derriere les danseurs dans la tribune realisent en parfaite synchronistaion des images geantes, souvent à la la gloire du regime et de ses dirigeants.

© Eric Lafforgue

Tags:   4864 mass games mass game north Korea dpRK stade stadium kids fleurs flowers may day fresque cards september 9 60th anniversay national day festival celebration inside north korea coree asia asie 북한 korea Corea del Nord Корея северная 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 Corea del Norte Coreia do Norte เกาหลีเหนือ Nordkorea Βόρεια 北朝鮮 rpdc 조선민주주의인민공화국 children Kim Jong-Un war 조선 Corée du Nord Coréia do Norte קוריאה הצפונית Korea Północna Korea Utara Kuzey Kore Північна Корея Северна Кореја Северна Корея Severní Korea Βόρεια Κορέα

N 192 B 86.9K C 56 E Dec 18, 2009 F Jun 19, 2010
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Kid in Masirah Island , Oman

Masirah (مصيرة‎) is an island of the East coast of Oman, 95 km long north-south, between 12 and 14 km wide, with an area of about 649 km², and a population estimated at 12,000 in 12 villages mainly in the north of the island Administratively, it forms one of the eleven provinces of the Ash Sharqiyah Region. The principal village is Dawwāh in the northern part of the island. It contains an Omani air base and a fish factory, as well as a few small towns. Most of the island's interior is deserted, with access to the island only possible by a small ferry for cars or by Omani Air Force Hercules (RAFO) flights.
The main industries are fishing and traditional textile manufacturing. Formerly, traditional ship building was important. The rugged terrain of the island and surrounding rough coastline has led to the appearance of many wrecked dhows on the beaches of the island, most of them well preserved by the salt water and intense heat. The ocean bottom environment surrounding Masirah is hostile as the majority of the area is covered in either sand or hard rock. There is a swift current flowing through the area with a very sharp halocline visible on the surface of the ocean. The water depth nearby is around 10 meters and is not conducive to side-scan sonar searches due to the shallow water and choppy surface conditions. Despite the poor quality ocean bottom, the area is very productive with marine fisheries, and any hard objects (barrels, engines) are immediately colonized by local fauna.

© Eric Lafforgue

Tags:   7785 oman arabia arabie penisule arabique arabian peninsula travel Destination Masirah Island ile sultanat Sultanate enfant child kid garcon boy kumma hat chapeau sourire heureux happy smile tunique dishdasha portrait omanais omani Close-up culture tradition blue eyed 阿曼 Omã Omaan Оман 오만 Omán Ομάν オマーン โอมาน Omāna Omanas Omão Umān عُمان Umman

N 46 B C
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N 61 B 34.4K C 23 E Jan 23, 2010 F Feb 4, 2010
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In the Maidin Saleh site, a man built this little mosque with stones, and prayed (see the handprints in the sand). Few hours later, the traces would have disapered with the wind...

© Eric Lafforgue

Tags:   KSA_0812 mosque mosquee ksa sans desert lafforgue Arabia Saudita العربية السعودية Arabia Saudyjska Arabie Saoudite Arab Saudi Saoedi-Arabië 사우디아라비아 Saudi-Arabien المملكة العربية السعودية Σαουδική Αραβία Саудовская Аравия サウジアラビア Suudi Arabistan 沙特阿拉伯 沙烏地阿拉伯 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia islam muslim السعوديه Mada'in Saleh Al-Hijr Al Madinah Region Nabatean kingdom مدائن صالح Madâin Sâlih sister city of Petra Civilization Sutra 00812 outdoor Outdoors outside Chaleur Heat exterieur Gros plan Close up site archeologique de Al-Hijr SAUDI ARABIA arabia arabie

N 250 B 164.0K C 51 E Jul 15, 2009 F Jul 21, 2009
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The Gabbra (or Gabra) live in the Chalbi desert of northern Kenya, where they share portions of the territory with the Borana.
They have indeed adopted the Oromo language of the Borana. Through religious and cultural ties, marriages and alliances, the Gabbra have become part of the Borana peoples. But they also retain older
Somali-Rendille identities.The Gabbra are attached to camels but have also cattle. Animals belong to the whole tribe, and not individuals. Their stape diet is based on meat and milk (never mixed with blood as do other tribes). They live in round houses covered with skins and grass mats, that are very easy to displace. Women are in charge of moving the house as men care for the animals. 25 houses form a village (olla), usually organised in 10 to 15 families (75 people). They are generally considered as very good looking people, they wear traditional clothes (a typical short and a blanket-cloak for men and a wraparound headdress for women).
Their traditions are closely related to those of the Israelite people as described in Genesis and Exodus. Relationships as well as customs are very strong and anyone giving up the traditions is despised. Gabbra religious beliefs are inseparably linked to their animals since they are needed for sacrifice.They traditionally believe in one God, whom they call Waka. They recognize the priests of the Borana group and this religious attachment maintains peace with the Borana. However, Islam and Christianity are also influential. In the same village, some Gabbra will be Christian and go to Church, while others will be Muslim and go to the Mosque. Native tribes first met the missionaries with resistance and opposition. Islam had left a great part of the population with the Muslim religion and the people opposed vehemently the missionaries teaching Christianity. However, these different religions managed to spread through Kenya, making a country of diversity. It is estimated there are about 38% Protestant, 28% Roman Catholic, 6% Muslim in Kenya. As a matter of fact, locals, adopting the new faith, were also accessing to their services (in educational and health terms). Many add to their tribal name a christian patronym, so that they have two names as symbols of their two cultures. They share with the Oromo clans (and consequently with the Borana) the complicated Oromo generational system called “gada”. A "father of the village" is democratly appointed according to his personal competence, and is respected and obeyed for that. Elders gather in assemblies that discuss problems and take decisions related to the community.

© Eric Lafforgue

Tags:   6305 gabbra muslim lafforgue kenya tribe tribal tribu borana woman femme agee elder veil voile yellow eyes blue eyes kalacha visage face blur canon dof Keňa - ケニア Кенија Кения 肯尼亚 케냐 Quênia Quénia Κένυα كينيا ramadan East Africa africa afrika afrique Кенијa tribo tribes ethnic ethnology ethnie culture tradition Headgear headwear headdress
