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User / Eric Lafforgue / Sets / Hats
Eric Lafforgue / 240 items

N 15 B 29.9K C 1 E Nov 10, 2011 F Nov 28, 2011
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Formerly a British colony, Somaliland briefly reached its independence in 1960. It is one of the three Territories, with Puntland and former Italian Somalia that compose the current State of Somalia.
Somaliland proclaimed its independence in 1991, adopting its own currency, a fully independent government, working institutions and police. The authorities organized a referendum in 2001, advocating once again for full independence. However, to date, it is not internationally recognized.
Ethiopian Prime minister Meles Zenawi is the only one to speak about a Somalilander president, recognizing implicitly the existence of an independent State. Indeed the economy of neighboring Ethiopia dramatically depends on Somaliland stability, since the landlocked country’s main trade route passes through the Somalilander port of Berbera… And vice-versa, the economy of Somaliland largely depends on the taxes and duties it charges Ethiopia. Besides that, the principal economic activity of Somaliland is livestock exportation to the Arabian Peninsula. Most people are Sunni Muslims and speak Arabic, as well as some Somali dialect and many of them, English.Lastely, the East African demography being based on clan alliances, it is no surprise that the frontiers drawn by the colonists don’t match the ethnic divisions of territory, leading to open clashes. More broadly, this problem is recurrent across the African continent.

© Eric Lafforgue

Tags:   2947 Hargeisa Hargaysa Somaliland Somalia Horn Of Africa Africa Hargeisa Hargeysa Market afrique afrika صوماللاند‎ somalie الصومال Soomaaliland British Somaliland somali Сомали ソマリア Szomália Σομαλία Somalië hat

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I came back to Omorate village, on the left side of the Omo river.
Always the same old trunks to cross the river, fearing to fall in the water with all the cameras ans lenses!...always the same dirty village full of all kind of shits everywhere...but so nice people to meet.
The Daasanach kids collect the caps of the Coca and beers in the bars of Omorate and make wigs with them.
Soon, there will be a bridge on Omo river, so thousands of people, cars, trucks, will pass the Dassanech villages. I felt i saw the last traditional times of this tribe.

The Dassaneth or Geleb are living on both sides of the Omo river.
The Dassanetch are originally nomadic pastoralists . However, despite their dedication to cattle rearing current reality reveals that crop cultivation on the flooded banks of the Omo river and its delta are fundamental to their subsistence.
Omoratte market of the Dassanetch has been serving for centuries as an important trading center of the Karo and the Geleb where the Karo head with their own clay pots to exchange them for grain, Coffee and ammunition.
In the Dassanetch society power is in the hands of a group of about thirty elders called"bulls" (Ara).
The hair style of the Dassanetch men is one of the most sophisticated in the Omo valley.

Village d'Omorate
Les Dassanetch (ou dassanech) vivient sur les deux rives du fleuve Omo. Ils sont aussi appelés les Geleb. Ce sont des pasteurs, mais l'agricultiure sur les rives du fleuve tend à prendre de plus en plus d'importance pour leur survie alimentaire. le marché d'Omoratte est un carrefour de longue date où les echanges avec les Karos sont nombreux (poterie contre café, armes, munitions..).
Dans la societé Dassanech, le pouvoir est detenu par une trentaine de sages appellés les Aras (les taureaux).
la coiffure des Dassanech, comme chez les karo, est tres sophistiquée.

© Eric Lafforgue

Tags:   8772 tribe tribo tribal tribu tribes ethnic ethnology ethnie culture tradition kids caps coca cola hat headwear shy sad etiópia Αιθιοπία эфиопия 埃塞俄比亚 埃塞俄比亞 이디오피아 エチオピア Äthiopien Etiopía 種族 Ethiopië Etiopia 에티오피아 Etiopien Etiopija Етиопија Etiyopya אתיופיה 衣索匹亚 衣索匹亞 ethiopie Peoples of the Omo Valley nomadic people artistic pigments rite body painting adornment East Africa ornament Headgear headdress

N 16 B 8.4K C 2 E Apr 30, 2010 F Nov 5, 2011
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I'll be in his photo album, and perhaps one day, on his Flickr stream!

© Eric Lafforgue

Tags:   7080 human being personne person people horizontal Korea Coree Coree du Nord North Korea DPRK Democratic People s Republic of Korea Asie Asia communisme communism couleur colour color color picture cadrage a la taille waist up etre humain male homme man camera appareil photo concentration couvre chef hat casquette cap Republique populaire democratique de Coree RPDC prendre une photo taking a picture inside north korea 북한 Corea del Nord Корея северная 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 Corea del Norte Coreia do Norte เกาหลีเหนือ Nordkorea Βόρεια 北朝鮮 조선민주주의인민공화국 Kim Jong-Un war 조선 Corée du Nord Coréia do Norte קוריאה הצפונית Korea Północna Korea Utara Kuzey Kore Північна Корея Северна Кореја Северна Корея Severní Korea Βόρεια Κορέα

N 7 B 13.5K C 5 E Jun 22, 2011 F Oct 27, 2011
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The Bana have a special way to carry their calabash: they use it as a hat? First i thought they were doing it to attract the photographers, but no, this is the real way. The calabash is used to drink all kind of thing. In many tribes it is washed with cow piss, so the smell is not so nice...
This woman wears iron necklaces that indicates she is not the first wife. it means she may have a hard life, being the second or third wife, so doing all the hard works...

Tags:   0964 tribe tribo etiópia Αιθιοπία эфиопия 埃塞俄比亚 埃塞俄比亞 이디오피아 エチオピア Äthiopien Etiopía 種族 Ethiopië Etiopia 에티오피아 Etiopien Etiopija Етиопија Etiyopya אתיופיה 衣索匹亚 衣索匹亞 ethiopie tribal tribu tribes ethnic ethnology ethnie culture tradition Peoples of the Omo Valley nomadic people artistic pigments rite body painting adornment East Africa ornament omo

N 4 B 3.5K C 0 E Aug 30, 2009 F Oct 23, 2011
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The official male hat for the Kyrgyz people. Made of embroidered wool with a felt lining, it deflects the summer sun rays but traps heat rising from the top of the head in the winter, making it an excellent all season hat.

© Eric Lafforgue

Tags:   2221 Kyrgyzstan Asia Central Asia vertical human being person people two two people two persons men male together togetherness exterior traditional hat traditional headgear Kyrgyz Republic Kalpak hat head portrait headshot face Saralasaz Jailoo color photo headgear pasture Calpack Calpac Kalpac Kalpak Qalpaq nomads nomadic lifestyle hat Kirgisistan قيرغيزستان Kirghizistan キルギスタン Киргизия Kirgistan Kirghizstan Quirguizistão
