con Noemí Carrau e Sira Viviani
Tags: Arte artisti Campo San Giacomo dell'Orio Venezia bambini artisti di strada pittura laboratorio di pittura disegno orto musica burattini spettacolo Arte in Campo Gatarigole festival festa Santa Croce veneziani campo cittadini famiglia Venice art street artists open air drawing painting music puppets children family workshop exhibition show art event Noemí Carrau Nacasona
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Anisa Jomaqi born in Tirana, living in Thessalloniki, studying in Athens Photography and Audiovisual Arts. Started from very young age taking pictures and videos. Participated in many photography and video contests and been awarded in most of them with the first prize.
The last years before graduating of highschool she entered the world of fashion to glam photography. She was making the beautiful pictures just like in the magazines but this was not what filled her.
So, came to Venice as an Erasmus student, ready to kick ass, to show what she got, but got literary and metaphoricaly lost, opening her vision and realizing that she needs to start from zero and go back to when she was an artist, a child.
I have a lot of work to do more, and a lot of road to become that. But for now I will try to get out of the labirynth and gather the pieces of the artistic explosion in my mind.
Giochi in Venice
Digital photos printed on 20x30 cm
Photographing the same object - the Luna Park Game - in different times of the day.
Noting the change of the lights and the human presence. Focusing on the different atmosphere from the made up world of the entertainment for children, to the closed at night constructions that are not so entertaining at the end.
Moreover, from the aspect of visual we can see the difference between white sky / black sky and black (shadow) game / white (lightened) game.
Tags: Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia Erasmus art exhibition mostra Art Night Venezia 2014 pintura painting pittura esposizione exposición arte Venezia Venice eventi events Fine Arts Accademy Italy Italia artisti internazionali international artists students studenti Destino Venezia volo flight Erasmus Artlines art curator curatore Noemí Carrau Antonio Fiengo anatomia artistica Anisa Jomaqi artworks opere obras photography fun park parco giocchi giochi fotografia Venecia Nacasona
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Tags: Art Night Venezia Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia Erasmus students Art exhibition mostra studenti Erasmus Destino Venezia international artists Fine Arts Academy inaugurazione opening Kunst eventi events international Erasmus office esposizione exposición Arte Venecia Venice Italy Italia Antonio Fiengo coordinatore Erasmus anatomia artistica Noemí Carrau art curator curatore Nacasona 2015 Verdjinia Stefani artworks
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Tags: Art Night Venezia Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia Erasmus students Art exhibition mostra studenti Erasmus Destino Venezia international artists Fine Arts Academy inaugurazione opening Kunst eventi events international Erasmus office esposizione exposición Arte Venecia Venice Italy Italia Antonio Fiengo coordinatore Erasmus anatomia artistica Noemí Carrau art curator curatore Nacasona 2015 Assunta Abdel Azim artworks
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Tags: Art Night Venezia Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia Erasmus students Art exhibition mostra studenti Erasmus Destino Venezia international artists Fine Arts Academy inaugurazione opening Kunst eventi events international Erasmus office esposizione exposición Venice Venecia Arte Italy Italia Antonio Fiengo coordinatore Erasmus anatomia artistica Noemí Carrau art curator curatore Nacasona 2015 Nico Barrios artworks
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