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User / Nancy Goodenough / Sets / Death Valley
Nancy Goodenough / 64 items

N 18 B 1.1K C 12 E Mar 10, 2012 F Jun 13, 2012
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Mesquite Dunes in Death Valley at sunset.

Tags:   dunes b/w Mesquite Dunes Stovepipe Wells Stovepipe Wells Dunes Death Valley

N 16 B 1.4K C 20 E Mar 17, 2012 F Apr 20, 2012
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Death Valley has had almost no rain this season. Sparse wildflowers. It was exciting to chase a few rain storms and dust storms that occurred while we were there. While other visitors to Death Valley were unhappy with "bad weather," photographers were gleefully photographing the storm. March, 2012.

Tags:   Death Valley Panamint Panamint Range rain rainstorm storm clouds

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Just north of Death Valley and over the state line into Nevada - on the Bonnie Claire Playa - moving rocks just like The Racetrack, but smaller rocks, smaller playa, less known, and more accessible.

N 63 B 1.7K C 73 E Mar 9, 2012 F Sep 16, 2012
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Tags:   Sliders Sunday HSS

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I'm so in love with the dunes. I thought I'd play with a bleak thin raw image that had little going for it except for a couple nice peaks and see what some post processing sliding could do for it. I found the result so sensuous. I just want to stare at it.

So, this week I'm posting subtle. Happy Subtle Sliders Sunday everyone! Or, Happy Sensual Sliders Sunday. Happy.

Tags:   Death Valley Stovepipe Wells dunes Mesquite Dunes desert sunrise hss
