STS066-082-011 Rostov-On-Don, Russia November 1994
The large city of Rostov-On-Don (over 1 million people) is located in southwest Russia approximately 30 miles (50 km) from the mouth of the Don River delta. Rostov (bottom center) is the industrial, scientific, and cultural center of the North Caucasus Region. The large feature (top center) is the eastern end of Taganrogskiy Bay, which is an inlet to the Sea of Azov. Several distributary channels of the Don River (westward draining) fan out to create a low-lying, swampy delta (lighter-shaded area, center of image), immediately west of Rostov. Several airport runways (linear, light-colored features) are visible in the Rostov area: one runway can be identified south of Rostov (lower left) and two runways are visible near the town of Taganrog which is located west of Rostov and along the north side of the bay (upper right). Large cultivated field patterns (angular-looking features) north and south of the Don River indicates an agricultural landscape. The reddish color that is associated with healthy, green vegetation is subdued on this late autumn color infrared image.
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