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User / NASA on The Commons / Sets / Apollo Mission Patches
14 items

N 39 B 105.0K C 0 E Jan 27, 1967 F Jan 27, 2023
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The Apollo 1 crew patch

Astronauts: Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee

On January 27, 1967 a fire swept through the cabin during a launch rehearsal killing astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee. The name Apollo 1 was formally assigned to the mission in the spring of 1967 in memory of the astronauts who lost their lives.

Date: January 27, 1967

Tags:   MissionPatch January 27 1967 GusGrissom EdwardWhite RogerChaffee Apollo1 .VAiHchCa-So

N 17 B 60.1K C 0 E Oct 11, 1968 F Oct 11, 2015
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(October 11, 1968)
Launch- October 11, 1968
Landing- October 22, 1968
Astronauts- Walter Schirra Jr, R. Walter Cunningham and Donn F. Eisele
This flight was the first successful launch with men aboard the Saturn 1B rocket. During the flight the service module was tested eight times with eight near perfect firings. There were numerous minor problems with window visibility throughout the flight, none of them being life threatening.


Tags:   MissionPatch Apollo7 October11 October22 1968 WalterSchirra WalterCunningham DonnEisele

N 27 B 140.5K C 0 E Dec 21, 1968 F Dec 21, 2020
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Launch- December 21, 1968
Landing- December 27, 1968
Astronauts- Frank Borman, William A. Anders and James A. Lovell Jr.
Apollo 8 was the first mission to orbit the moon, making Borman, Anders and Lovell the first humans to see the far side of the moon. They conducted lunar landing site tracking while in orbit for future missions to the moon.


Tags:   MissionPatch Apollo8 December21 December27 1968 FrankBorman WilliamAnders JamesLovell .VAibWxCa-So

N 26 B 109.3K C 0 E Mar 3, 1969 F Mar 3, 2021
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Launch- March 3, 1969
Landing- March 13, 1969
Astronauts- James A. McDivitt, Russell L. Schweickart and David R. Scott
Apollo 9 preformed the first two successful rendezvous and docking with the Command and Service Module (CSM) and Lunar Module (LM). Overall the mission was a success with all the prime mission objectives being met.


Tags:   MissionPatch March3 March13 1969 JamesMcDivitt RussellSchweickart DavidScott .VAidLRCa-So

N 30 B 95.5K C 0 E May 18, 1969 F May 18, 2018
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Launch: May 18, 1969
Landing: May 26, 1969
Astronauts: Thomas Stafford, Eugene Cernan and John Young

Apollo 10 experienced a couple firsts in spaceflight. The first live color TV transmission to Earth began three hours after launch, as well as the first decent toward the moon. The Lunar Module (LM) detached from the Command and Service Module (CSM) and descended toward the moon for a lower orbit to check the LM landing radar for altitude functioning.

NASA Media Usage Guidelines

Credit: NASA
Image Number: s69-31959

Tags:   MissionPatch May18 May26 1969 ThomasStafford EugeneCernan JohnYoung .VAigVhCa-So
