Astronaut John Grunsfeld, STS-125 mission specialist, participates in the mission's third session of extravehicular activity (EVA3) as work continues to refurbish and upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope. During the six-hour, 36-minute spacewalk, Grunsfeld and astronaut Andrew Feustel (out of frame), mission specialist, removed the Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement (COSTAR) and installed in its place the new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS). They also completed the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) electronic card replacement work, and completed part 2 of the ACS repair, installing a new electronics box and cable.
Credit: NASA
Tags: Hubble Hubble Space Telescope NASA STS-125 Servicing Mission 4 Hubble servicing mission shuttle mission space shuttle astronaut EVA spacewalk extravehicular activity SM4 John Grunsfeld
Astronaut Mike Massimino, STS-125 mission specialist, participates in the mission's fourth session of extravehicular activity (EVA4) as work continued to refurbish and upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope. During the eight-hour, two-minute spacewalk, Massimino and astronaut Michael Good (out of frame) continued repairs and improvements to the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), which has helped extend Hubble's life.
Credit: NASA
Tags: Hubble Hubble Space Telescope NASA STS-125 Servicing Mission 4 Hubble servicing mission shuttle mission space shuttle astronaut spacewalk EVA extravehicular activity Space Shuttle Atlantis SM4 Mike Massimino Michael Massimino Atlantis Canadarm
An STS-125 crew member sboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis snapped a still photo of the Hubble Space Telescope following grapple of the giant observatory by the shuttle's Canadian-built Remote Manipulator System.
Credit: NASA
Tags: Hubble Hubble Space Telescope NASA STS-125 Servicing Mission 4 Hubble servicing mission shuttle mission space shuttle HST SM4
STS-125 mission specialists John Grunsfeld (left) and Andrew Feustel, attired in their Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) spacesuits, are pictured along with mission specialist Megan McArthur in the Space Shuttle Atlantis' airlock as they prepare for the mission's fifth and final session of extravehicular activity (EVA5).
Credit: NASA
Tags: Hubble Hubble Space Telescope NASA STS-125 Servicing Mission 4 Hubble servicing mission astronauts shuttle mission space shuttle spacesuit Drew Feustel Andrew Feustel John Grunsfeld SM4
STS-125 Pilot Gregory C. Johnson poses for a photo while vacuuming a vent on the flight deck.
Credit: NASA
Tags: Hubble Hubble Space Telescope NASA STS-125 Servicing Mission 4 Hubble servicing mission shuttle mission space shuttle astronaut Gregory Johnson Greg Johnson SM4