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User / NASA Hubble / Sets / Servicing Mission 4 from the Ground Up
NASA Hubble Space Telescope / 182 items

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A team meeting in the Goddard TV studio helps prepare for the launch coverage of Servicing MIssion 4, the final space shuttle visit to the Hubble Space Telescope, in May 2009.

Credit: NASA

Tags:   NASA Servicing MIssion 4 STS-125 Goddard Space Flight Center Hubble Goddard SM4 meeting studio

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Video producer, editor and videographer Erica Drezek works with video clips from a spacewalk during Hubble Servicing Mission 4 in May 2009.

Credit: NASA

Tags:   Servicing Mission 4 STS-125 NASA Hubble Goddard Space Flight Center SM4 video production video producer Hubble servicing servicing mission

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Flight controllers at Goddard Space Flight Center's Space Telescope Operations Control Center monitor progress during the third spacewalk of Servicing Mission 4 as an astronaut uses a tool designed to grasp and withdraw failed circuit boards from Hubble's science instruments.

Credit: NASA

Tags:   Servicing Mission 4 STS-125 NASA Hubble Goddard Goddard Space Flight Center Hubble Space Telescope control center STOCC SM4 servicing mission spacewalk Hubble servicing flight controllers

N 0 B 1.2K C 0 E May 11, 2009 F Dec 15, 2017
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Producer Jefferson Beck operates a camera in an auditorium filled with Goddard Space Flight Center employees gathered to watch the launch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis for Servicing Mission 4, the final shuttle mission to the Hubble Space Telescope, on May 11, 2009.

Credit: NASA/Bill Hrybyk

Tags:   Hubble Goddard Servicing Mission 4 Goddard Space Flight Center Launch Jefferson Beck shuttle launch Hubble servicing mission servicing mission Hubble servicing space shuttle launch NASA camera

N 0 B 1.5K C 0 E May 1, 2009 F Dec 15, 2017
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Carlton Miller, flight controller, monitors Hubble's capture by the Space Shuttle Atlantis during Servicing Mission 4 from Goddard's Space Telescope Operations Control Center

Credit: NASA/Michael Soluri

Tags:   Hubble Servicing Mission 4 STS-125 NASA Goddard Goddard Space Flight Center Space Telescope Operations Control Center STOCC servicing mission SM4 Hubble servicing control center
