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User / NDSU University Archives / Sets
370 items

General Geology trip
1 photo
These photos were taken by Dr. Velma Rudd, who graduated from North Dakota State College in 1931 with a B.S. and an M.S. in 1932. She was a professor of geology at Cal State – Northridge. They...

10 photos

1 photo

Bob Hope on campus
1 photo

Hubert Humphrey visits NDSU
7 photos
Hubert Humphrey came to North Dakota State University to speak on a panel about the Vietnam war in 1967.

World War I
5 photos

Snow Sculptures
12 photos

Field Hockey
12 photos

4 photos
The worldwide 4-H program began in 1902 and it aimed to provide hands on learning for public education children to connect with rural life. It has since expanded to cover many youth and life...

Collegiate FFA
10 photos
FFA was founded in 1925 at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, by agriculture teachers and was known as Future Farms of America. It would change it's name to FFA in 1988. Many colleges, including NDSU...

1980s and 1990s
17 photos

42 photos

31 photos

Ehly Hall
2 photos
The College of Engineering and Architecture faced concerns over space and classrooms scattered across the campus (the Engineering Center and one of the Art Quonsets). The pressing need for space...

4 photos

Literary Societies
5 photos

7 photos

Ugly Man Contest
4 photos
Alpha Phi Omega, service fraternity, sponsored the "Ugly Man Contest," in 1953. With one penny for one vote, all the proceeds went to the Crippled Children's School in Jamestown, N.D.

NDSU Trains
11 photos
Trains were not only a way to transport students too and from campus but also as a means to promote the campus.

5 photos

3 photos

13 photos

General Classroom Scenes - Science
12 photos

Patricia and Tricia Nixon Visit NDSU
4 photos
Patricia and Tricia Nixon visited the NDSU campus, specifically the cereals and chemistry departments in 1970.

Art Department
20 photos

Beard Growing contest
9 photos
According to the 1960 yearbook, the men of NDAC would start sprouting beards shortly after Christmas (1960 yearbook, pg 150). The contest was sponsored by the Rahjah Club with three divisions:...

14 photos

Commencement 1988-1994
9 photos

9 photos
Golf has been a part of NDAC/SU sports since the mid 1950s, with men's golf starting around 155. Women's golf would be added in the late 1960s. Both the men's and women's teams continue to play today.

Home Economics
27 photos
Home Economics has a long history at NDSU. In the first North Dakota Agricultural College catalog, published in 1892, a winter course in domestic economy was offered. By 1893, a Department of...

Model U.N.
5 photos
Model UN as a young adult activity began as a mock/model League of Nations in the 1920s. Once the League of Nations gave way to the United Nations in 1945, so it became Model UN, or MUN. The first...

Military Ball
9 photos
The Military Balls have being held at North Dakota State University since 1907 when they were first hosted by the cadets (Spectrum, January 1907). The ball continues today as the Bison Battalion Ball

Pharmacy Students
5 photos
Students from the College of Pharmacy from the 1960s.

Pharmacy Faculty
24 photos
Images of faculty in the College of Science during the 1960s.

Pharmacy - Bison Yearbook 1968
7 photos
Pages from the North Dakota State University Bison Yearbook highlighting the College of Pharmacy.

Pharmacy - Bison Yearbook 1967
16 photos
Pages from the North Dakota State University Bison Yearbook highlighting the College of Pharmacy.

Pharmacy - Bison Yearbook 1966
13 photos
Description: Page 89 from the 1960 Bison yearbook, highlighting the College of Pharmacy. Date of Original1960. Item Number LD 4008 B5 1960 Ordering Information: ...

Pharmacy - Bison Yearbook 1965
9 photos
Pages from the North Dakota State University Bison Yearbook highlighting the College of Pharmacy.

Pharmacy - Bison Yearbook 1964
9 photos
Pages from the North Dakota State University Bison Yearbook highlighting the College of Pharmacy.

Pharmacy - Bison Yearbook 1963
14 photos
Pages from the North Dakota State University Bison Yearbook highlighting the College of Pharmacy.

Pharmacy - Bison Yearbook 1962
13 photos
Pages from the North Dakota State University Bison Yearbook highlighting the College of Pharmacy.

Pharmacy - Bison Yearbook 1961.
10 photos
Pages from the North Dakota State University Bison Yearbook highlighting the College of Pharmacy.

15 photos
Choirs have been a part of the NDSU campus since 1900, "under the direction of Porfessor McArdle (The Musical Organizations of the North Dakota Agricultural College Campus by Joanne Brunsvold....

24 photos
Barns have always been needed on the campus of North Dakota Agricultural College/North Dakota State University. Whether to hold farm equipment, crops, or animals, they were necessary buildings on...

Pharmacy - Bison Yearbook 1960
10 photos
Pages from the North Dakota State University Bison Yearbook highlighting the College of Pharmacy.

Move In
10 photos
Moving into the dorms today is a major event for most freshman. Move-in Day is currently the Saturday and Sunday before the first day of classes.

8 photos
In the early days of North Dakota Agricultural College, registration was that which a student just put his name in a blank space for a particular class (The Spectrum: March 10, 1908). Later students...

Blue Key
14 photos
The North Dakota State University(NDSU) chapter of Blue Key National Honor Society was organized on May 4, 1927 at a dinner meeting in the Power’s Hotel, downtown Fargo. Nationally, Blue Key began...

Bison Brevities
14 photos
The Blue Key Society started Bison Brevities in 1929 as a talent and variety show. It was a huge success and continued every year after. Between the 1950s and early 1970s, instead of a talent and...

19 photos
The beginnings of extension start even before the first student was ever enrolled at NDAC/NDSU. The North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station (NDAES) was established in 1890. The College’s...

Veterinary Science
3 photos
The Department of Veterinary Science was listed as one of the eleven original departments in 1892 and has continued to be a part of NDAC/NDSU history. Today it the Department of Veterinary and...

2 photos
Zoology has been a part of North Dakota Agricultural College (NDAC)/ North Dakota State University (NDSU) since the beginning. The first bulletin lists botany and zoology as available courses of...

Animal Husbandry
6 photos
The department of animal husbandry first fell under livestock and dairy husbandry. It first appears in the catalog in 1905-1906 and becomes the division of animal husbandry in the 1907-1908 catalog....

Homecoming parades and festivities, 1921-2002
51 photos
On October 22, 1921, the North Dakota Agricultural College (later North Dakota State University), played its first Homecoming game against Dakota Agricultural College (later South Dakota State...

NDSU Archives Promo
21 photos
The NDSU Archives will be reopening on March 24th after its move to the West Building at 3551 7th Ave. N. Fargo, ND, 58102. The hours will be 8am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Summer hours will be...

Wilfred Plath Scrapbook, 1925-1930s
81 photos
Wilfred Plath was a 1929 graduate with a degree in agriculture. He was a member of the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, Saddle and Sirloin, Bisonites, and Cadets.

1907 Yearbook
96 photos
In 1907 the North Dakota Agricultural College published its first yearbook, called the Agassiz.

Campus Maps
14 photos
These maps show the growth and development of the NDAC/SU campus.

Alpha Mu Yearbook, 1915
70 photos
Alpha Mu was NDSU's first fraternity, founded in 1904. The purpose was to "do all within its power to extend and upbuild the influence of the great institution of learning among whose students...

Alpha Mu Yearbook, 1912
70 photos
Alpha Mu was NDSU's first fraternity, founded in 1904. The purpose was to "do all within its power to extend and upbuild the influence of the great institution of learning among whose students...

North Dakota Agriculture College (NDAC) Prospectus
15 photos
The first known major promotional piece about the North Dakota Agricultural College (NDAC) was the Prospectus , published and distributed in June of 1891, when classes were still being held in rented...

World War II Veterans of North Dakota State...
15 photos
Photographs and stories of students and faculty of North Dakota State University who served in World War II. Please note that these stories were sent directly to the University Archives and do not...

Mortar Board Scrapbook, 1963-1979
312 photos
Mortar Board is a “national honor society recognizing college seniors for outstanding achievement in scholarship, leadership and service.” The society was founded in 1918 as the first national...

Wrestling - 1957-1981
38 photos
Bison intercollegiate wrestling began in the winter of 1957, with the first match against Valley City Teachers (now Valley City State University) on December 19, 1957. The Bison won that match 23 to...

Arlene Christianson Scrapbook, 1956-1960
265 photos
Arlene Christianson Pickard, from Goodridge, MN, was a 1960 graduate at NDSU. She attended high school at the Northwest School of Agriculture, a regional residential agricultural high school, which...

23 photos
Although it is unknown when swimming was officially established as an intercollegiate sport at NDAC/SU. Records indicated that it became an official sport in the North Central Conference for the...

Guidon scrapbook, 1962-1974.
176 photos
Guidon was the NDSU women’s honorary auxiliary group that supported the Army ROTC cadets. The group was originally founded in 1928 to support the Scabbard and Blade honorary military fraternity,...

Bison Statue
7 photos
The bison statue sits in front of South Engineering, across from the Library and Minard Hall. It was donated to NDSU by Jim and Sandra Roers, with contributions from Ronald G. and Kaye S. Olson and...

28 photos
Tennis Tennis is first mentioned in The Spectrum dated June 1, 1923. The article covers the issue of the growing popularity of tennis on campus and the need and construction of more tennis courts...

23 photos
Gymnastics In the 1963 Bison yearbook, under the Men’s Gymnastic season, “Coach Erv Kaiser’s gymnastic team attracted much attention after an absence of eighteen years from the NDSU campus. ...

Bison Baseball - 1970s-1980s
17 photos
For the 1970s, the Baseball Team won 113 and lost 146. In 1973 there were once again North Central Conference Champions, compiling a 20-12 overall record, but a 14-6 conference record. During the...

Bison Baseball - 1950s-1960s
12 photos
Although the team played from 1951-1953 and compiled a 14-16 record, scores were not available for that period. From 1954-1959, the Bison compiled a record of 36-41, with their best season being...

Bison Baseball - 1910s - 1920s
8 photos
League play for the Bison began in 1909, when they played 7 games, winning 4 and losing 3. For the decade from 1910-1916, they went 61-25-1. There were no games played from 1917-1919. For the...

Helen Miller Scrapbook, 1924-1929.
151 photos
Helen Curran was a 1927 home economics graduate. Her scrapbook records her college years with her boyfriend Claude “Claudie” Miller. Helen was involved with Delta Phi Beta, Phi Upsilon Omicron,...

Nil Desperandum scrapbook, 1927.
70 photos
In 1920 the NDAC Women’s Athletic Association was founded, which was a member of the National Association of Women’s Athletics. The Association promoted athletics and good sportsmanship among...

Alfred G. Arvold - Professor, Entrepreneur,...
24 photos
Alfred G. Arvold was born at Whitewater, Wisconsin on January 15, 1882, son of Louis and Caroline Arvold. After graduating from high school he attended the University of Wisconsin at Madison and...

Arthur O'Connor Scrapbook #2
53 photos
Arthur O'Connor was a 1952 graduate of the North Dakota Agricultural College. Arthur was from Brooklyn, NY and transferred from the University of Bridgeport, CT. Majoring in architecture, he was a...

Arthur O'Connor Scrapbook
73 photos
Arthur O'Connor was a 1952 graduate of the North Dakota Agricultural College. Arthur was from Brooklyn, NY and transferred from the University of Bridgeport, CT. Majoring in architecture, he was a...

Evelyn Olson scrapbook, 1936-1941.
120 photos
Evelyn R. Olson was born on September 14, 1917 near Edgeley, N.D., where she graduated from high school in 1934. After briefly attending the Interstate Business College in Fargo, she graduated from...

Through Bolley's Eyes - Europe
27 photos
This set consist of 27 lantern slides and postcards which were taken by Professor Bolley (during the summer and fall of 1903), when the College and the United States Department of Agriculture funded...

Elaine Geiszler Fischer scrapbook, 1952-1956.
173 photos
Elaine Geiszler Fischer, of Minot, North Dakota, graduated from North Dakota Agricultural College in 1956 with a degree in Home Economics Education. Her father, Gus Geiszler, graduated from NDAC in...

Through Bolley's Eyes - NDAC
28 photos
The second set of Through Bolley’s Eyes consists of 28 photographs at the North Dakota Agricultural College from 1892 through the beginning of the twentieth century. The campus scenes,...

Department of Coatings and Polymeric Materials
45 photos
The Polymers and Coatings Department (now the Department of Coatings and Polymeric Materials) emerged from the chemistry department in 1905 to help regulate paints in North Dakota. Professor E. F....

Helen M. Barke scrapbook, circa 1920s.
129 photos
Helen M. Barke was born on November 6, 1903 in Donnybrook, N.D. to Mary and August C. Burke. She graduated from North Dakota Agricultural College in 1925 with a degree in pharmaceutical chemistry....

Library Flood, 2000
50 photos
On the evening of June 19, 2000 and early morning of June 20, three super cells, totaling seven inches of rain fell within six hours. The city of Fargo’s storm drains were built to withstand a...

Women's Volleyball - 1960s-2000s
38 photos
The first mention of Women’s Volleyball is found in the April 17, 1918 issue of The Spectrum, titled, “Why not girls athletics.” The article discusses women’s athletics in general and...

Bison Mascot
18 photos
The roots of today’s mascot, Thundar, can be traced back to 1922. In late February 1922, the nickname of the NDAC collegiate teams went from the “Aggies” to the “Bison.” At last week's...

University Archives - Textiles
24 photos
North Dakota State University Archives is home to over one thousand artifacts, which includes over three hundred textile items. These textiles include t-shirts, sweatshirts, sports and band...

Track & Field - Men's - 1960s - present
22 photos
The first reference to track is found in the June 1, 1897 issue of The Spectrum, in an article titled, “Agricultural College Athletics – Track.” Throughout its 110+ year history, the program...

Weapon's Training 1990's
31 photos
With the establishment of the North Dakota Agricultural College on March 9, 1890, the initial course of instruction included “military tactics.” (North Dakota Agricultural College Prospectus,...

Weapon's Training 1980's
60 photos
With the establishment of the North Dakota Agricultural College on March 9, 1890, the initial course of instruction included “military tactics.” (North Dakota Agricultural College Prospectus,...

Track & Field - Women's
13 photos
The first reference to women’s track and field is found in the March 31, 1908 issue of the Weekly Spectrum: “Several of our girls have been heard to say that they wished they could take part in...

Track & Field - Men's - 1890s-1950s
17 photos
The first reference to track is found in the June 1, 1897, issue of The Spectrum, in an article titled, “Agricultural College Athletics – Track.” Throughout its 110+ year history, the program...

Weapons Training 1970s
24 photos
With the establishment of the North Dakota Agricultural College on March 9, 1890, the initial course of instruction included “military tactics.” (North Dakota Agricultural College Prospectus,...

Weapon's Training 1960s
4 photos
With the establishment of the North Dakota Agricultural College on March 9, 1890, the initial course of instruction included “military tactics.” (North Dakota Agricultural College Prospectus,...

Weapons Training Pre 1960s
11 photos
With the establishment of the North Dakota Agricultural College on March 9, 1890, the initial course of instruction included “military tactics.” (North Dakota Agricultural College Prospectus,...

The Gold Star Band
52 photos
On January 9, 1902, the Agricultural College Cadet Band conducted its first meeting. Mr. Rudd was the first instructor and a local musician. Along with Claude Nugent, secretary of the college, they...

Tornado of 1957
31 photos
On Thursday afternoon, June 20, 1957, summer session classes had been dismissed, and professors and students had gone home. The campus, lay quiet under a heavy, oppressive atmosphere. At 6:45 p.m.,...

Women's Basketball - 2000s
59 photos
Between the 1999-2005 seasons, the NDSU Women’s Basketball team compiled a record of 147 wins and 38 loses. The team recorded 20 or more wins in 5 of the 6 seasons, highlighted by the 2004-2005...

Women's Basketball - 1990-1999
92 photos
During the 1990s, Amy Ruley coached the Bison Women’s Basketball Team to Five National Championships, compiling a record of 278 wins and 32 loses, posting a 90% winning record.

Women's Basketball - 1980-1989
65 photos
During the 1980s, the Women’s Basketball Team went 206 and 90, which is just under a 70% winning average for the decade. The Team also played in the post season 6 times, Also in 1979, NDSU...

Women's Basketball - 1970-1979
9 photos
In the 1970s, the Women’s Basketball Team played 186 games, winning 73 and losing 113. in 1971 NDSU joined the North Dakota chapter of the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women...

Women's Basketball - 1898-1969
7 photos
The recorded history of Women’s Basketball at North Dakota State University dates back to a mention of a girls team that was formed on campus (which was then known as the North Dakota Agricultural...

Men's Basketball - 2000-2009
12 photos
In the 2000s, the Bison Men’s Basketball Team had 9 winning seasons and took the Summit League crown during the 2008-2009, when they went to the NCAA Division I tournament and lost to the previous...

Men's Basketball - 1990-1999
59 photos
In the 1990s, the Bison Men’s Basketball Team had 8 winning seasons and tied for the North Central Conference crown in the 1994-1995 season. The Bison record for the 10 seasons was 172 wins and...

71 photos
In 1918, Margaret H’Doubler, a professor of physical education at UW-Madison, established the first dance degree program at a university in the United States. At this point in history, modern dance...

Men's Basketball - 1980-1989
49 photos
In the 1980s, the Bison Men’s Basketball Team had 10 winning seasons and took the North Central Conference crown for the 1980-1981 season. The Bison record for the 10 seasons was 185 wins and 100...

Men's Basketball - 1970-1979
39 photos
During the decade of Bison Men’s Basketball from 1969-70 – 1978-1979, the team went 150 and 118, winning the North Central Conference in the 1970-1971 season and advancing to the NCAA Division II...

Men's Basketball - 1960-1969
32 photos
In the 1960s (1959-1960 – 1968-1969 seasons), the Bison Men’s Basketball Team played 244 games, winning 96 and losing 128. Their best seasons were the 1965-1966 season, when they went 14 and 10...

Men's Basketball - 1940-1959
30 photos
Men's Basketball - 1940-1949 During the 1940s, the Bison played 194 games, winning 106 and losing 88. The tied for the NCC crown in 1939-40 and won it outright for 1940-1941 and 1941-1942. There...

Men's Basketball - 1920-1939
10 photos
Basketball – 1919-1920 – 1928-1929 During the 1920s, the Bison played 213 games, winning 148. In all but 2 seasons they had winning records. In the 1924-1925 season (26-5), they split their...

Men's Basketball - 1898-1919
5 photos
Men’s Basketball – NDAC/NDSU Between 1898 through 1919 the NDSU Men’s Basketball teams played 234 games. They had eighteen winning seasons and perfect records in 1910-1911 (14-0) and...

Bison Football - 2000s
50 photos
During the decade (2000-2010), the Bison went 82-43, with appearances in the NCAA tournament at the beginning of the decade in 2000 as a Division II team and again at the end of the decade in 2010 as...

Bison Football - 1990s
53 photos
In the 1990s, the Bison went 88 and 27. Their last perfect season was in 1990, when they went 14-0, beating the Indiana University of Pennsylvania by a score of 51-11 for their 8th NCAA Division II...

Bison Football - 1980s
54 photos
During the 1980s, the Bison made eight NCAA playoffs, appearing in six title games and winning the National Championship four times (1983, 1985, 1986 and 1988). The Bison record from 1980-1989 was...

Bison Football - 1970s
48 photos
The 1970s saw the Bison appear in three bowl games, winning one and losing two. For the decade, the Bison had only one losing year. The Bison record for the decade was 71-30-2.

Bison Football - 1960s
49 photos
Although the 1960s started slow for the Bison, with a 9-26-1 record for 1960-1963, the Bison exploded for the rest of the decade, with a record of 58-4 and three national championships (1965, 1968,...

Bison Football - 1950s
104 photos
NDAC recorded two winning seasons in the 1950s. They had five wins and four losses in both 1952 and 1956.

Bison Football - 1940s
6 photos
In the 1940s, NDAC recorded just one winning season in 1946 with five wins and three losses. There were no games schedule for 1943 and 1944.

Bison Football - 1920s
31 photos
The 1920s brought in the North Central Conference, of which the Bison were charter members. The Bison took the NCC title with a 5-0-2 record in 1925. In February 1922, the NDAC Aggies' name was...

Bison Football - 1930s
12 photos
The 1930s brought two North Central Conference titles with a 7-2 record in 1932 and a 7-1-1 record in 1935.

Bison Football - 1910s
8 photos
The 1910s showed the Bison with 25 wins, 18 losses and three ties. Due to WWI, there was no football scheduled in 1918.

Bison Football - 1894-1909
38 photos
Between 1894 and 1899, the Bison played 16 games, winning seven, losing eight and tying one. In addition to UND, the Bison played St. Cloud State, Crookston and Carleton College. From 1900-1909, the...

Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A.
52 photos
The Young Men’s Christian Association (Y.M.C.A.) began its official club meetings at North Dakota Agricultural College (NDAC) on December 18, 1901, though there is evidence of meetings years...

Y.M.C.A. Building
9 photos
The Young Men’s Christian Association (Y.M.C.A.) of NDSU was first recognized as an organization at North Dakota Agricultural College (now NDSU) on December 18, 1901. In March of 1906, a...

Student Orientation - 1970s - present
22 photos
Although the concept of freshmen orientation appears in the college newspaper, The Spectrum in the early 1920s, it wasn’t until 1929 that it was formalized. Adopt Orientation Week At College A new...

Student Orientation - 1920s-1960s
14 photos
Although the concept of freshmen orientation appears in the college newspaper, The Spectrum in the early 1920s, it wasn’t until 1929 that it was formalized. Adopt Orientation Week At College A new...

NDAC/SU Student Admissions
36 photos
The first known major promotional piece about the North Dakota Agricultural College (NDAC) was the Prospectus , published and distributed in June of 1891, when classes were still being held in rented...

Student Life Special Train - 1913
23 photos
Few people appreciate the mission of an Agricultural College. In order to give the people of the state a correct impression of what the institution really stands for the College chartered a special...

Thomas J. Harrison Scrapbook
71 photos
This photo journal was created between 1913-1916, detailing his visit to North Dakota. The journal begins with a shot of silos in Ward County, North Dakota (Minot is the county seat) and a mention of...

North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Substations
19 photos
“There is hereby established an agricultural experiment station in connection with the North Dakota Agricultural College, and under the direct supervision of the board of directors of said...

Sharivar - 1968
3 photos
May 3-5, 1968. “The students and faculty of North Dakota State University wish to welcome you to Sharivar 1968. Some of the activities for the weekend include spring football drills, Bison Relays...

Sharivar - 1967
2 photos
May 5-7, 1967. “Student participation and demonstrations instead of exhibits are two changes which will appear in the 1967 Sharivar.” .” The Spectrum, April 19, 1967, p. 1 “Twister...

Sharivar - 1966
4 photos
May 6-8, 1966. “Microbial punch, magic writing, hearing tests, cherry pie, luminescent bacteria, cosmetics, and puzzles combine with many other activities to make this year’s Sharivar.” .”...

Sharivar - 1965
3 photos
May7-9, 1965. “Attendance at the 1965 Sharivar has been set at 18,765 visitors.” .” The Spectrum, May 12, 1965, p. 1 Events for Sharivar 1965 included: class visits, honors day convocation,...

Sharivar - 1964
4 photos
May 1-3, 1964. “More than 1,000 North Dakota State University students and faculty members are working to make 1964’s Sharivar the best Sharivar ever.” The Spectrum, April 29, 1964, p. 1 The...

Sharivar - 1963
3 photos
April 25-27, 1963 “Over 10,000 people visited the North Dakota State University campus over the weekend for the annual open house, Sharivar.” .” The Spectrum, May 1, 1963, p. 1 The schedule...

Sharivar - 1962
3 photos
April 26-28, 1962 “Governor William Guy will be the featured speaker at Sharivar’s High School Day Convocation at 10 a.m. April 28 in Festival Hall. He will explain the need for higher education...

Sharivar - 1961
3 photos
April 21-23, 1961 –In a special Sharivar edition of The Spectrum, NDSU President Fred Hultz, said this year’s Sharivar was particularly significant, “because the entire campus community is...

Sharivar - 1960
3 photos
The 2nd Sharivar ran from April 22-24, 1960. “Sharivar has been given three segments on local TV shows next week. Among the TV presentations are a demonstration from the School of Home Economics,...

Sharivar - 1959
9 photos
The First Sharivar ran from May 8-9, 1959. “Some of the events specially scheduled include Bison Brevities, the campus variety show, a campus dramatic production, ‘Springtime for Henry,’ a...

ROTC - 1960s - 1990s
13 photos
With the establishment of the North Dakota Agricultural College on March 9, 1890, the initial course of instruction included “military tactics.” (North Dakota Agricultural College Prospectus,...

Cadet Corps - 1940s - 1950s
12 photos
With the establishment of the North Dakota Agricultural College on March 9, 1890, the initial course of instruction included “military tactics.” (North Dakota Agricultural College Prospectus,...

Cadet Corps - 1920s - 1930s
16 photos
With the establishment of the North Dakota Agricultural College on March 9, 1890, the initial course of instruction included “military tactics.” (North Dakota Agricultural College Prospectus,...

Cadet Corps - 1890s - 1910s
5 photos
With the establishment of the North Dakota Agricultural College on March 9, 1890, the initial course of instruction included “military tactics.” (North Dakota Agricultural College Prospectus,...

Homecoming 1950s
58 photos
The 1950s proved to be a building decade for the football program. NDAC won three of ten Homecoming games during the decade.

Homecoming - 2000-2004
23 photos
The NDSU Bison won the the first five Homecoming games in the new century and went to the post-season in 2000.

Homecoming - 1990s
49 photos
During the 1990s, NDSU won 8 out of 10 Homecoming games. During this decade, the football team went to the post-season 6 times and took the national championship in 1990.

Homecoming - 1980s
40 photos
In the 1980s, NDSU won 9 of 10 Homecoming games. They also appeared in 7 post-season bowl games and won 4 national championships (1983, 1985, 1986, 1988). Their record for the 1980s was 103-20-2.

Mr. Lincoln
4 photos
Mr. Lincolnis a two-act play, one-man show, written by Herbert Mitgang, who had spent 25 years studying Lincoln. The first act of the play takes place in Illinois and the second in Washington, D.C....

Follies: The Concert
4 photos
Follies, a musical, with the 1971 book by James Goldman and the lyrics and music by Stephen Sondheim, deals with a reunion in an old Broadway theatre soon to be demolished. Folliesopened on Broadway...

The Importance of Being Earnest
4 photos
The Importance of Being Earnest, written in 1895 by Oscar Wilde, Irish writer and poet, is comedy set in England in the 1890s dealing love, deceit and mixed identities. This was the fourth of four...

West Side Story
4 photos
West Side Story is a musical with the script (1957) by Arthur Laurents, music by Leonard Bernstein, lyrics by Stephen Sondeim, and choreography by Jerome Robbins. The play is based on William...

Homecoming - 1970s
35 photos
In the 1970s, NDSU won 7 of 10 Homecoming games. They also appeared in 5 post-season bowl games (1970, 1973, 1974, 1976 and 1977).

Peer Gynt
4 photos
Peer Gynt is a five act play written in 1867 by Henrik Ibsen (Norwegian dramatist). Ibsen adapted the play, originally to be just read, to the stage in 1876. This is a story of one man's attempt to...

4 photos
Fortinbras is a 1991 play by American playwright, Lee Blessing. The play begins with the end of William Shakespeare's Hamlet. The play relates the events after Hamlet's death. Almost every...

Fiddler on the Roof
4 photos
Fiddler on the Roof is a 1964 musical, with music by Jerry Bock, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, and book by Joseph Stein. The play is set in 1905 in Russia and centers on a Jewish family and the...

Beyond Therapy
4 photos
Beyond Therapy is a 1981 play by American playwright Christopher Durang. This comedy deals with a couple who are trying to find stable romantic relationships. With the help of their respective...

A Chorus Line
4 photos
A Chorus Lineis a musical from a 1976 book by James Kirkwood, Jr. and Nicholas Dane, with lyrics by Edward Kelban, music by Marvin Hamlish and directed and choreographed by Michael Bennett. The show...

Three Days of Rain
4 photos
Three Days of Rain is a 1997 play by American playwright Richard Greenberg. The play has six characters, played by three actors. The first act deals with the three children of two architects who...

Homecoming - 1960s
35 photos
In the 1960s, NDSU won 7 of 10 Homecoming games. They also appeared in 5 post-season bowl games (1964, 1965, 1967, 1968 and 1969), winning 4 of them, The first of their eight national championships ...

Homecoming - 1920s-1940s
27 photos
In 1921 the first Homecoming celebration was held at the North Dakota Agricultural College. This set, which covers 1921 through the 1940s gives a glimpse at some of the activities and events that...

Helen of Troy
4 photos
Helen of Troya drama by Greek dramatist Euripides, c.412 B.C. and translated by James Michie & Colin Leach tells the story of Helen, according to legend, the daughter of Zeus, the king of the...

The Rivals
4 photos
The Rivalsa play by Irish playwright and poet Richard Brinsley Sheridan, was first performed in 1775. The plot deals with two young lovers, Lydia and Jack. The play was a favorite of the English...

4 photos
Quilters a 1982 musical play by Molly Newman and Barbara Damashek is based on a 1977 book by Patricia Cooper and Norma Bradley Allen, The Quilters: Women and Domestic Art, an oral history. The play...

Sweet Charity
4 photos
Sweet Charitya 1966 play with music by Cy Coleman (American composer, songwriter, and jazz pianist), lyrics by Dorothy Fields (American librettist and lyricist) and book by Neil Simon (American...

Bus Stop
4 photos
Bus Stop a play written by American playwright and novelist, William Inge in 1955 deals with the interactions of bus passengers in a rural diner, north of in Kansas City, MO, during a snowstorm. Bus...

Arms and the Man
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Arms and the Mana comedy by George Bernard Shaw (Irish playwright and co-founde r of the London School of Economics), was first produced in April 1894 and published in 1898 in his Plays Pleasant. It...

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Amadeus is a 1979 play by English dramatist, Peter Shaffer dealing with the composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri and their fictionalized rivalry, with Salieri plotting the downfall...

The Music Man
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The Music Man is based on a 1957 story by Robert Meredith Willson (American composer, songwriter, conductor and playwright) and Franklin Lacy (American playwright and screenwriter). Willson wrote...

The Secret Garden
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The Secret Garden is based on the book, The Secret Garden written in 1911 by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The story deals with a young English girl who is orphaned in India and sent to live with...

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Wedding...
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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Wedding (Casina) was written by Titus Macias Plautus (.c.254-184 BC), a Roman playwright. This comedy deals with a lecherous old man, Lysidamus, a servant...

An Enemy of the People
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An Enemy of the Peoplea play written by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen in 1882, deals with environmental pollution and the responsibility of individuals and the community. An Enemy of the People...

Biloxi Blue
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Biloxi Bluesa play written in 1986 by American playwright and screenwriter Neil Simon, is semi-autobiographical and deals with a 20 year old, Eugene Morris Jerome, from Brooklyn, NY who is drafted...

AES Greenhouse
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The new $32 million North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Greenhouse facility is located on the far west side of campus, on 18th street across from Living-Learning West. This...

Once Upon a Mattress
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Once Upon A Mattress , a musical comedy, is an adaptation of Danish author Han Christian Andersen’s fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea, first published in 1835. The story deals with a test of...

Really Rosie
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Really Rosie is a musical with the 1975 book and lyrics by American writer and illustrator Maurice Sendak and music by American singer, songwriter and pianist Carole King. The story is loosely based...

A Flea In Her Ear
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A Flea in Her Ear written in 1907 by French playwright Georges Feydeau, is set in Paris at the turn of the 20th century. The play focuses on a wife who fears her husband maybe cheating on her. A...

I Do, I Do
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I Do, I Do is based on The Fourposter a play written by Dutch playwright Jan de Hatog, written while hiding from the Nazi’s during WWII. I Do, I Do , with words and lyrics by American lyricist...

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Dracula a novel by Irish author, Bram Stoker, written in 1897. In 1924, Hamilton Deane, an Irish playwright, actor and director, adapted the novel for stage. Three years later, in 1927, American...

Private Lives
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Private Lives written in 1930 by Sir Noël Coward (1899-1973), an English playwright, actor, director, centers on a divorced couple, who are honeymooning with their new spouses as the same hotel. In...

King Lear
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King Lear one of William Shakespeare’s tragedies, was written between 1603 and 1606. King Lear, who wants to retire, decides to divide his kingdom between his three daughters, with the biggest of...

Theatre Is...
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Theatre Is…” was a musical revue by the Little Country Theatre during the Homecoming festivities in October 1980. Music, dance and drama were presented from shows such as: A Chorus Line, A...

Treasure Island
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Treasure Island adapted for stage from Robert Louis Stevenson’s 1883 pirate adventure was performed by the Little Country Theatre in April 1980. Don Larew served as costume and scenic designer and...

Rapunzel and the Witch
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Rapunzel and the Witch is a German fairy tale adapted by Jack Melanos in 1976 from a story by the Brothers Grimm, first published in 1812. The Brothers Grimm story is an adaptation of earlier fairy...

Come Back, Little Sheba
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Come Back, Little Sheba is a play written by William Inge, an American dramatist in 1950. The play opened at the Westport County Playhouse (Westport, CT) and premièred on Broadway in February 1950....

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Gypsy is a musical play, with music by Jule Styne, lyrics by Stephen Sondeim and book by Arthur Laurents that is loosely based the 1957 memoirs of Gypsy Rose Lee, one of the most famous and well...

Mules, Men, and Other Property
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Mules, Men, and other Property is an original script written by Linda Baesler in 1978, a MA student as a partial requirement for her degree. The play deals with the 2nd class status of women, and...

The Amorous Flea
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The Amorous Flea a 1964 musical comedy written by Jerry Devine, with lyrics by Bruce Montgomery is based upon Molière’s 1662 play School for Wives. The play deals with old Arnolphe and his...

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Deathtrap, was written in 1978 by Ira Levin, American author, dramatist and songwriter. After a tryout in Boston, the play moved to Broadway where is ran from February 1978 to January 1982. It...

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
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One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a play based on the 1962 bestselling novel by Ken Kesey. Dale Wasserman adapted the play, with music by Teiji Ito, and it premiered on Broadway in 1963. ...

The Lady's Not For Burning
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The Lady’s Not for Burning is a romantic comedy, set in the Middle Ages, written in 1948 by English playwright Christopher Fry. After opening in London, the play ran on Broadway from November...

My Three Angels
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My Three Angels is a comedic play by the husband-and-wife writing team, Samuel and Bella Spewak. The play is based on the French play La Cuisine Des Anges. My Three Angels ran for 344...

Greek Life - Buttons
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Recruiting and/or event buttons for the various Greek Houses on the NDSU campus.

Greek Life - Members
9 photos
Images of members of various Greek organizations at NDAC/NDSU.

Greek Activities
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Some of the activities the NDAC/SU Greek community.

Greek - Promotional
11 photos
Flyers, clippings, inviations and othr promotional material related to NDAC/SU Greek Life.

Greek Houses
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Fraternity and Sorority Houses at NDAC/SU over the years.

Commencement - 1971-1980
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Commencement Exercises at North Dakota State University. As the graduation classes grew in size the Commencement Ceremonies moved from inside the Bentson Bunker Field House to outside in Dacotah...

Commencement - 1961-1970
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Commencement Exercises at North Dakota State University. As the graduation classes grew in size the Commencement Ceremonies moved from inside the Bentson Bunker Field House to outside in Dacotah...

Commencement - 1951-1960
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NDAC Commencement Ceremonies from 1951-1960.

Commencement - 1931-1950
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Commencement activities at NDAC from 1931-1950. During the 1930s and 1940s there were often commencement exercises in March, May, July and December.

Commencement - 1916-1930
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Commencement activities at NDAC from 1916-1930.

Commencement - 1895-1915
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Commencement Week at The North Dakota Agricultural College was the culmination of long years of study and work and was indeed a celebration, lasting a number of days and encompassing a variety of...

Student Plays: 1990s to Present
19 photos
This exhibit of plays given by the Little Country Theatre at the North Dakota Agricultural College (NDAC)/North Dakota State university (NDSU), dates from the 1960s to the early 1980s. It should...

Student Organizations - 1900s - 2000s
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A sampling of some of the many and varied student organizations at NDAC/NDSU from the early 1900s to the early 2000s.

Campus Scenes & Activities - 1990s - present
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Campus scenes and activities at NDSU from the 1990s to the present.

Campus Scenes & Activities - 1960s - 1980s
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Campus scenes and activities at North Dakota State University from the 1960s through the 1980s.

Wind in the Willows
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Wind in the Willow a children’s book written by Kenneth Grahame in 1908. In 1929 it was adapted for stage by A.A. Milne. The play centers on the animal world of rural England and the problems...

And Mrs. Reardon Drinks a Little
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And Mrs. Reardon Drinks A Little, is a dark comedy written by Paul Zindel in the late 1960s. Although the show was first produced in 1967 in Los Angles, it was not published until 1971. The show...

Two Gentleman of Verona
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The Two Gentlemen of Verona, a comedy by William Shakespeare was written 1590 or 1591. The play deals with two friends who leave their small rural home to experience the urban Milan. About 380...

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Equus written in 1973 by English dramatist, Sir Peter Levin Shaffer, is a psychological drama of a doctor’s attempt to untwist his patient's tangle mind, a young man who has blinded six horses in a...

A Hatful of Rain
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A Hatful of Rain written in 1955 by American playwright Michael V. Gazzo, is a hard look at a soldier, Johnny Pope, who returns home from the Korean conflict with an addition to morphine. The play...

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Pygmalion was written by Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw in 1912.. The play focuses around phonetics expert Henry Higgins and his colleague, Colonel Pickering, as they struggle to mold the...

The Fantasticks
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The Fantasticks, a 1960 musical, with music composition by Harvey Schmidt and lyrics by Tom Jones, tell the story of two idealistic teenagers who fall in love and their zany and comic fathers who do...

Inherit the Wind
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Inherit the Wind, written in 1950 by Jerome Lawrence and Robert Edwin Lee, is a factionalized account of the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trail. In 1925 a Tennessee high school science teacher, John T. Scopes,...

Born Yesterday
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Born Yesterday, written by Garson Kanin in 1946, deals with a business man out to purchase legislation in Washington. The story centers on a Harry Brock, the businessman, his mistress, Billie Dawn...

Campus Scenes & Activities - 1890s - 1950s
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Campus scenes and activities at North Dakota Agricultural College/North Dakota State University form the 1910s through the1950s.

Reed-Johnson Halls
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Reed/Johnson Halls provide housing for first year male students, and serves with Weible Halls, Sevrinson and Thompson Halls, as the hub for the First Year Experience (FYE), which provides transition...

Sevrinson Hall
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Sevrinson Hall was one of the two high-rises to be built on the NDSU campus in 1967 as part of the "Gemini Project." The "Gemini Project" was the construction of two identical...

Pavek Hall
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Pavek Hall, the last of the four high rises was completed in 1987 at the cost of $3.9 million. It is located in the southwest corner of the quadrangle of the high-rise residence halls. In October of...

Seim Hall
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Seim Hall (originally the West High Rise) was built in 1972 (at the cost of $1.5 million) as the third in a series of nine-story high rise buildings. It housed 293 male and female students in...

Lincoln Log Cabin
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The Weekly Spectrum, dated October 31, 1923, carried a front-page story announcing "Lincoln Log Cabin New Addition to L. C. Theatre." In it the editor described the rough-hewn, half-log...

North Court
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North Court became available to students by February of 1948. Originally envisioned for veterans and their families, the project consisted of 145 family units. By the end of February, 40 families...

Peer Gynt
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Peer Gynt is a five act play written in 1867 by Henrik Ibsen (Norwegian dramatist). Ibsen adapted the play, originally to be just read, to the stage in 1876. This is a story of one man's attempt to...

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1776, a musical, was written by Peter Stone, with music and lyrics by Sherman Edwards, focuses on the signers of the Declaration of Independence struggle through the summer heat to draft a document...

Two by Two
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Two by Two, a musical, is based on Clifford Odet’s play The Flowering Peach (1955), which focuses on Noah’s preparation for and the aftermath of the “Great Flood.” Two by Two was written by...

Desire Under the Elms
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Desire Under the Elms a play published in 1924 by Eugene O’Neill (American playwright and Nobel prize winner for literature) and first performed Off-Broadway in 1924. After two months it moved to...

The Grass Harp
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The Glass Harp, a novel written by Truman Capote in 1951 is about an orphaned boy his two eccentric aunts. The stage adaptation of the novel opened in 1952 on Broadway and ran for 36 performances. ...

The Three Penny Opera
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The Threepenny Opera is a musical by Bertolt Brecht and composer Kurt Weill. The play was adapted from the 18th-century Beggars’ Opera. First performed in Berlin in 1928, by the time Brecht and...

I Do! I Do!
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I Do, I Do a musical, with books and lyrics by Tom Jones and music by Harvey Schmidt, began its 550+ Broadway run in December 1966. The story focuses around a married couple, the Snow’s, and their...

You're a Good Man Charlie Brown
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You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, a 1967 musical comedy based on the characters created in the Peanuts comic strip by Charles Schultz, was created by Clark Gesner (American composer, songwriter,...

Annabelle Broom, the Unhappy Witch
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Annabelle Broom, the Unhappy Witch book and lyrics by Eleanor and Ray Harder and music by Eleanor Harder. The story revolves around Annabelle who clashes with her tough witch superiors over her...

The Madwoman of Chaillot
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The Madwoman of Chaillot written in 1943 by French dramatist Jean Giraudoux (1882-19944) was first performed on stage in 1945. It was translated into English by Maurice Valency. It ran on...

As You Like It
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As You Like It, a comedy written by William Shakespeare (c.1599—1600) centers around Rosalind who flees persecution at her uncle’s court. She is accompanied by her cousin Celia and the court...

The Importance of Being Earnest
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The Importance of Being Ernest, written in 1895 by Oscar Wilde, Irish writer and poet, is comedy set in England in the 1890s dealing love, deceit and mixed identities. This production of The...

Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris
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Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris, a musical review of the songs of Jacque Brel (1929-1978), a Belgian singer-songwriter. The review ran off-Broadway for over four years and...

Tom Jones
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Tom Jones, a novel by Henry Fielding, English playwright and novelist, was written in 1749. This satire set in the English country-side in a world of wealthy landowners, deals with love,...

1 photo
Carnival , a musical, was written by Michael Stewart, an American playwright and the music and lyrics by Bob Merrill (American songwriter, theatrical composer, lyricist and screenwriter). Carnival...

The Birds
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The Birds is a comedy written by Greek playwright Aristophanes somewhere around 414 BCE. Psthetaerus, an Athenian, convinces the world’s birds to create a new city in the sky. The Little Country...

Stop the World, I Want to Get Off
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Stop the World – I want to get off is a musical by Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley, using a circus as the setting. The story revolves around Littlechap, who marries the daughter of his boss for...

Juno and the Paycock
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Juno and the Paycock, a drama by Sean O’Casey ( Irish playwright), was first performed at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin in 1924. The play centers on a Dublin tenement family, the Boyles. Juno and...

The effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon...
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The effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds was written in 1964 by Paul Zindel (playwright and science teacher). The play was first performed in Houston in 1964, then off-Broadway in 1970...

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Tartuffe, written in 1664, is a comedy by Moliere (1622-1673), a French actor and playwright and considered to be one of the greatest masters of western literature comedy. The story deals with a...

You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown
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You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, a 1967 musical comedy based on the characters created in the Peanuts comic strip by Charles Schultz, was created by Clark Gesner (American composer, songwriter,...

1 photo
USA was the 1959 adaption by John Dos Passos and Paul Shyre of Dos Passos’ trilogy of novels (The 42nd Parallel, 1919, The Big Money) dealing with the American Dream and America’s growth into a...

The World of Sholom Aleichem
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The World of Sholom Aleichem was written in 1953 by Arnold Perl, an American playwright, as an off-Broadway play. In 1959 it was adapted for television for the weekly series “Play of the Week.” ...

George M!
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George M! is a Broadway musical based on the life of George M. Cohen – Broadway singer, dancer, composer, lyricist, theatre director and producer. The book for the musical was written by Michael...

Dark of the Moon
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Dark of the Moon is a drama written by American playwright Howard Richardson 1939, as a dramatization of “The Ballad of Barbara Allen.” The play is set in the Appalachian Mountains and written...

Lion in Winter
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The Lion in Winter first performed on Broadway in 1966, was written by James Goldman, an American screenwriter and playwright. Goldman adapted the play into a 1968 film. The play follows the royal...

Man of La Mancha
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Man of La Mancha was written by Dale Wasserman, an American playwright, as a teleplay, I, Don Quixote in 1959. Wasserman adapted it into a musical play in 1964 and it ran on Broadway for over 2,300...

Antigone '70
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Antigone was written by Sophocles (before or in 442 B.C.). The plot of this tragedy centers on Antigone and her sister, Ismere, condemned to death by King Creon. Antigone ‘70 an updated...

Sunday in New York
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Sunday in New York is a comedy that revolves around the love life of an attractive girl reporter moving through a series of embarrassing and compromising situations in New York City. Written by...

You Know I Can't Hear You When the Water is...
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You Know I Can’t Hear You When The Water’s Running consists of four unrelated one-act comedies written by Robert Anderson (American playwright, paly producer and screenwriter). You Know I...

Little Red Riding Hood
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The fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood origins run prior to the 17th century, although the Brothers Grimm 19th century version, tamer than the originals, is generally what is adapted to the current...

Blood Wedding
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“A drama of violent passion, Blood Wedding was a blood fued of long standing that broke out at a wedding.” (Bison Annual, 1970, p.58) This play fuses poetry and drama into an experimental mix...

Oh What a Lovely War
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A musical comedy satirizing the follies and tragedies of World War I as seen through the Smith family, an archetypal British family of the time. Created by Joan Littlewood and her Theatre Workshop...

The Teahouse of the August Moon
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This satire is set on the remote village Tobiki on Okinawa, shortly after World War II. The US Army occupational forces are teaching the natives about democracy. Captain Fisby, who is in change,...

The "Bent" of Tau Beta Pi
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Perhaps you've noticed that metal kind of pyramid thing in concrete slightly to the west of the round administration building of the College of Engineering and Architecture. "Students daily walk...

We Will Never Forget Memorial
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Located near the entrance to the NDSU Alumni Center, the memorial was dedicated on August 14, 2002, as part of a special two-day World War II reunion of NDAC veterans. "The memorial has...

Memorial Plaza
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The Memorial Plaza was the brainchild of then Dean of Home Economics, Katherine K. Burgum and Richard Weltzin, Foundation Coordinator, NDSU Alumni Association. In order to assist with fundraising...

Farm House
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Little is known about the first farmhouse that served as the headquarters of the Agricultural Experiment Station, except that it was built in 1893. It was located at what is now the corner of...

Silver City
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Facing a housing crunch after World War II, the University quickly constructed a Faculty Village commonly called Silver City. It was a group of prefabricated "emergency" houses that were...

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Little is known about the Creamery other than it was a gift from citizens of Fargo and Cass County and was added to Experiment Station. The Creamery was called a model due the fact it that was...

Music Hall
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This building was originally the Chemical Laboratory, built in the summer and autumn of 1897. In 1905, a new Chemical Laboratory was erected (which blew up on December 24, 1909 and was replaced with...

Wiidakas Laboratory
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Wiidakas Laboratory was built in 1949 and was originally known as the Corn Seed House. The Seed House contained, in 1978, the only cold storage facility for seedstocks preservation among the...

North Dakota School of Religion
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The Wesley College School of Religion was opened fall term of 1921 at the North Dakota Agriculture College (NDAC) by the Wesley College of Grand Forks. This school's course offerings included the...

Van Es (New)
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By the 1972, the physical condition of the original Van Es Hall had deteriorated greatly and in September 1973, the North Dakota State Legislature appropriated $1.78 million to build a new veterinary...

Waldron Hall
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Built in 1958 for $50,000, the building was originally named the Plot Seed Laboratory and served the agronomy research program of the Agricultural Experiment Station (NDAC Catalog 1960-1962, p. 19)....

Trailer City
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In response to returning World War II veterans, North Dakota Agricultural College established a Trailer City, consisting of 88 trailers. The trailers were placed primarily around the south space of...

Thorson Hall
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The Maintenance Building (Thorson Hall) was built in 1949 to house the campus' maintenance equipment. An addition was added in 1970. It was also at this time that the Maintenance Building was renamed...

Dacotah Field
33 photos
Dacotah Field was originally located northwest of Ceres Hall, in what was a huge open area, bordered by the Cattle and Horse Barns to the north, University Drive (then 13th Street North) to the East,...

Student Plays: 1960s-1980s
28 photos
This exhibit of plays given by the Little Country Theatre at the North Dakota Agricultural College (NDAC)/North Dakota State university (NDSU), dates from the 1960s to the early 1980s. It should...

Robinson Hall
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The Veterinary Science and Bacteriology Laboratory was built in 1976 to house laboratories, animal isolation units, and equipment for teaching the new two-year Animal Health Technician (now the...

Research & Technology Park (RTP)
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In 1999, the North Dakota State Legislature approved funding for the Research and Technology Park. The planners designed the Park to provide students and faculty with opportunities to work with...

Harris Hall
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Harris Hall (originally the Cereal Technology and Research Building and later the Grain Products Laboratory) was built in 1954. It housed the milling, baking and macaroni processing equipment as well...

Art Quonsets
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The Art Quonsets were constructed in 1948. The completed building measured 140 feet by 120 feet. The building's original purpose was to house the Naval Reserve Headquarters for the Fargo division....

Noble’s Golden Marguerite
10 photos
Noble’s Golden Marguerite was a Jersey Cow that was owned by Samuel F. Crabbe, a dairy farmer in the Fargo area who had imported seven purebred Jersey Cattle from the Island of Jersey (The Island...

Northern Crops Institute
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The purpose of the Institute is to "facilitate the international and domestic marketing of Upper Great Plains agricultural crops" and to teach "world food industry how to purchase,...

Niskanen Apartments - University Village
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In October of 2000, the F Court apartment building in University Village had a fire, which caused extensive damage to the building. The building was torn down and a new F Court apartment building...

Bison Court (Old & New)
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BISON COURT (OLD) Construction began on Bison Court in the spring of 1956. This originally consisted of two 20-unit buildings, built in an L-shape. Initial rent was set at $70 per month for a single...

Dinan Hall
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To relieve the pressure of additional housing on campus a new women's residence hall was built in 1954. The completed structure was a three-story building that housed 164 women in double room...

Thompson Hall
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Thompson Hall was one of the first two “high rises” to be built on the North Dakota State University campus in 1967 as part of the "Gemini Project." The "Gemini Project" was...

West Dining Center (WDC)
13 photos
In the Fall of 1972, West Dining Center (WDC) opened, primarily serving the students in the Hi-Rise Residence Halls. It featured three dining areas: main dining room, a lower cafeteria style dining...

Weible Hall (North & South)
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Weible Hall, located north of Sudro Hall, opened in the fall of 1963 as a women's residence hall. The rooms were designed for double or triple occupants and all rooms had built in desks. During the...

Residence Dining Center (RDC)
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Originally called the cafeteria, the Residence Dining Center (RDC) opened in the fall of 1964. “The fully air-conditioned building will have dining room facilities capable of feeding 500 at any...

Burgum Hall
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In 1962, a new female dormitory opened on campus for 180 female students. The students could choose between double and triple rooms with built-in vanity desks. The residents faced strict rules as one...

Niskanen Expansion
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Niskanen Expansion refers to three apartment buildings that were completed in time for student occupancy in August 2010, due to the unprecedented growth of the student population at North Dakota...

University Village
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By 1968 married students composed approximately one-sixth of the student body and on-campus housing there were 219 housing units for the 1,000+ married students. The University decided that the best...

President Dean L. Bresciani (2010 - present)
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Dean L. Bresciani was named president of NDSU in May 2010. His first day on the job was June 15, 2010. Prior to coming to NDSU, he was vice president for student affairs at Texas A&M from...

President Richard A. Hanson (Interim, 2009-2010)
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Richard A. Hanson was appointed interim president of NDSU Oct. 23, 2009. Prior to returning to NDSU, Hanson was president of Waldorf College (Iowa), and vice president for academic affairs and dean...

President Joseph A. Chapman (1999-2009)
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Joseph A. Chapman took over the duties as NDSU’s president in June 1999. Before coming to NDSU, Chapman was senior vice president and provost at Montana State University (Bozeman), and served as...

President Allan G. Fischer (Interim, 1998-1999)
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Allan G. Fischer grew up in Staten Island, N.Y. He earned his B.A. in chemistry from Waynesburg College in Waynesburg, Penn., in 1956. He earned his master's degree from Oklahoma State University in...

President Thomas R. Plough (1995-1998)
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Thomas R. Plough is a native of Traverse City, Mich., and earned his bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees from Michigan State University. Prior to coming to NDSU, he served in faculty and...

President Jim L. Ozbun (1988-1995)
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Jim L. Ozbun, was born in Carson, N.D., near the family farm Sept. 3, 1936. When he graduated from Flasher High School in 1955, he had been president of both his junior and senior classes and had...

President Robert D. Koob (Interim, 1987-1988)
4 photos
Robert D. Koob was born in Graetlinger, Iowa, in 1941. He earned his bachelor's in science education from the University of Northern Iowa and his doctorate in chemistry from the University of Kansas....

President Laurel D. Loftsgard (1968-1987)
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Laurel D. Loftsgard was the first NDSU alumnus to serve as president of NDSU. He was born in Hoople, N.D., in 1926. He served in the armed forces after graduating high school and again during his...

President Herbert R. Albrecht (1962-1967)
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Herbert R. Albrecht was born in 1909 in Wisconsin. He earned his bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Wisconsin (Madison). He served on the faculty of Auburn...

President Arlon G. Hazen (Acting, 1961-1962)
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Arlon G. Hazen was born Feb. 20, 1920, in Stillwater, Ok. He earned his bachelor's from Oklahoma State in 1940 and his master's from Iowa State in 1941. He was an instructor at the University of...

President Frederic S. Hultz (1948-1961)
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Frederic Samuel Hultz was named president of the North Dakota Agricultural College (NDAC) on Aug. 24, 1948. He was a native of Iowa and earned his bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees from Iowa...

President John H. Longwell (1946-1948)
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John Harwood Longwell was born July 11, 1895, in Spalding, Mo. He earned his bachelor’s (1918) and his master’s (1920), in agriculture from the University of Missouri. He earned his Ph.D. from...

President Charles A. Sevrinson (Acting 1946)
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Charles A. Sevrinson was born May 6, 1898, in Reynolds, N.D. He earned an advanced diploma from the State Teacher's College at Mayville in 1921, a Bachelor of Arts from UND in 1924, and a Master of...

President Frank L. Eversull (1938-1946)
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Frank L. Eversull was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, April 19, 1892. He attended McCormick Theological Seminary and Washington University and was ordained a Presbyterian minister in 1917. He earned his...

President John C. West (Acting, 1937-1938)
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John C. West was born in Clearwater, Minn., on Dec. 25, 1885. He earned a Bachelor of Arts from Fargo College, Fargo, N.D., in 1915, and Master of Science and an Education Doctorate from the...

President James B. Power (Acting, 1893-1895)
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James B. Power was born in New York and educated in Massachusetts. He studied civil engineering and served as surveyor and civil engineer for several railroads. He was deputy state treasurer for the...

President Archibald E. Minard (Acting, 1929)
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Archibald Ellsworth Minard was born in King's County, Nova Scotia, Jan. 18, 1878. He moved to the United States with his parents in 1889. Minard earned both bachelor's and master's degrees from...

President John Lee Coulter (1921-1929)
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John Lee Coulter was born April 16, 1881, in East Grand Forks, Minn. He earned his bachelor’s (1904) and master’s (1905) degrees from the University of North Dakota and his doctorate (1908) from...

President Edward S. Keene (Acting, 1921)
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Edward S. Keene was born at Rock Island, Ill., Oct. 8, 1864. He earned both his Bachelor of Science in engineering in 1890, and his Master's of Engineering in 1912 from the University of Illinois. He...

President John H. Shepperd (1929-1937)
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John H. Shepperd was born on a farm in Lucas County, Iowa, Jan. 12, 1869. He was a graduate of Iowa Agricultural College and earned his bachelor's degree in agricultural science from Iowa State...

President Edwin F. Ladd (1916-1921)
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The son of John and Rosilla (Locke) Ladd, Edwin Freemont Ladd was born at Starks, Maine, on Dec. 13, 1859. He graduated from Somerset Academy, Athens Maine, and the University of Maine in 1884 where...

President John H. Worst (1895-1916)
8 photos
John H. Worst was born in a log cabin in Ohio on Dec. 23, 1850. He alternated attending college with teaching in district schools and received an honorary LL.D. degree from Ashland College. He...

President Horace E. Stockbridge (1890-1893)
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At the age of 33, Horace E. Stockbridge was the youngest and first president of North Dakota Agricultural College (NDAC). He was born May 19, 1857, in Hadley, Mass. He attended Massachusetts...

President Worst's Memorial Grove
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The Memorial Grove was the idea of President John Worst (1895-1916), who had a tree planted for each NDAC student who volunteered to fight in the Spanish-American War (1898). Although the exact date...

Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering
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Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (Agricultural Engineering) was erected in 1950 to house work being done and equipment used in teaching and research in agricultural engineering. The completed...

President's House (Old)
18 photos
The President's House was built in 1949 at the cost of $40,000. It was the first permanent residence on campus for the president. President Frederic and Mrs. Hultz, the first occupants, moved in...

Theatre Passion
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As part of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Little Country Theater, theater professor Don Larew commissioned a sculpture titled: Theatre Passion, for the south lawn of Askanase Hall,...

Student Plays: 1914-1950s - North Dakota...
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This exhibit of plays given by various groups at the North Dakota Agricultural College (NDAC), dates from the founding of the Little Country Theatre (LCT) in February of 1914 through the 1950s. It...

Industrial Agriculture & Communications Center...
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In March 1991, the State Board of Higher Education approved bids slightly for the construction of Industrial Agricultural and Communication Center (IACC as it is commonly referred to by students)....

Anti-Tank Gun
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The 10,000-pound, 20+ feet long, World War II anti-tank gun that sits on the lawn southeast of the entrance to Bentson/Bunker Fieldhouse was acquired through the joint efforts of the North Dakota...

Bjornson Obelisk
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On Tuesday morning, May 17 1904, the Bjornson 'bautasten [obelisk], which had been placed on the North Dakota Agricultural College grounds, near Old Main, was unveiled. This Obelisk is in honor of...

Architecture Quonsets
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An addition to Dolve Hall was the construction of the aeronautical engineering laboratory. This quonset was used primarily for aeronautical engineering classes. In the quonset was a small scale wind...

Renaissance Hall
16 photos
Renaissance Hall began as the Robb-Lawrence building in downtown Fargo (NP Avenue and 8th Street). The Robb-Lawrence Company, were manufacturers’ agents and jobbers of agricultural implements,...

Klai Hall
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Klai Hall was originally the Lincoln Mutual Life and Casualty Insurance Company building, a two story building constructed in 1955 at a cost of $500K. In 1989, a joint venture was undertaken with...

Barry Hall
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Barry Hall originally was the AOUW (Ancient Order of United Workmen) building, erected as a two story structure in 1927. In 1947, the organization reincorporated from a fraternal insurance...

Living Learning Centers
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Living Learning Center East was the first residence hall built at NDSU since the completion of Pavek Hall in 1987. Ground breaking occurred on May 2, 2002 and the building was ready for occupants in...

Equine Science Center
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With the approval of the Equine Studies program by the Board of Higher Education in 2001, the need for an equine facility became paramount. Construction began in late fall 2002 on the first phase...

Dennis C. Colliton Campus Memorial
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This memorial, located between South Engineering and Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, debuted in the spring of 2005 as a tribute to Professor Dennis C. Colliton, one of the founders of the...

Engineering Center Complex
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Plans for the Engineering Center were formulated shortly after World War II. Plans became finalized in 1955 with the completion of Dolve Hall, but did not become a reality until 1963 when...

Katherine Kilbourne Burgum Family Life Center
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In 1972, a new building for the College of Home Economics became a reality largely through the determination of College's Dean, Katherine Kilbourne Burgum. Using her clout and reputation she...

Wallman Wellness Center
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In1991 an NDSU Health and Wellness Commission formed and determined that some type of campus based health and wellness program was needed. To that end, a student committee was formed and a decision...

Music Education Center / Reineke Fine Arts Center
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Music and music education have been taught at the University since it opened in 1891. As the University's enrollment increased, so did the number of students participating in the different music...

Stevens Hall
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On October 18, 1968, the University dedicated Stevens Hall. The nearly $1.3 million structure became the home of the departments of biology, zoology, botany, geology, geography and wildlife...

Little Country Theatre
13 photos
The Little Country Theatre (LCT) was dedicated at North Dakota Agricultural College on February 10, 1914. LCT's existence is due to Alfred G. Arvold, originally hired in 1907 as an Instructor in...

Dance, Dance, Dance
50 photos
Throughout the years dances have played an important role in the social life of North Dakota Agricultural College/North Dakota State University (NDAC/NDSU) students, more so in the years gone by. The...

Askanase Hall
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In the 1960s, a campaign to build a new Little Country Theatre was begun. The campaign's goal was to raise $350,000 for construction of a new building to house the speech and drama department and the...

Alumni Center
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The idea for a modern NDSU Alumni Center had been in the planning stages since 1969, but was set aside in order to meet more pressing needs for the campus. The Alumni Association was housed...

Campus Gate
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“Large Crowd Witnessed Ceremonies: last Thursday noon there gathered at the gateway, an enthusiastic crowd of faculty and students and at the appointed hour, Pres. Worst picked up a shovel and...

Bison Sports Arena
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In 1966, the University made a request to the Board of Higher Education, the Governor, and State Legislature for a new athletic complex. In 1967, it was announced that the State Legislature...

Walster Hall
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In 1959, the State Legislature appropriate $750,000 for a new agricultural science building. Construction began in 1960 and was completed in 1961. The building housed primarily offices and research...

Loftsgard Hall
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In 1987-1988, the NDSU campus saw the construction of a new building devoted to the study of crop and weed sciences. The building, now known as Loftsgard Hall, was the cornerstone of the new Plant...

Hultz Hall
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In 1976, plans were drawn up for a 60,000 square foot building to be located sixty-feet north of Morrill Hall. The plans included a passageway at the second floor level would link the building and...

50 photos
As the campus continued to grow, the need for library space once again became an issue. The Carnegie Library (Putnam Hall), built in 1905, had become cramped and many volumes and documents were...

Dunbar Laboratories
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The North Dakota Legislature approved a new chemistry building for NDSU in 1961 and construction began in 1963. The building was constructed north of Ladd Hall at the cost of $1 million ($700,000...

Dolve Hall
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In 1949 legislative assembly appropriated $400,000 for an additional engineering building. The new building permitted increased opportunities for better instruction with expanding facilities...

Stockbridge Hall
23 photos
In 1955 the State Legislature and the State Bank of North Dakota approved a $600,000 loan to the University for the construction of a new men's residence building. The building was completed in March...

Power House-Plant
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As the campus grew, the old heating plant, which stood near Old Main, proved inadequate to the needs of the institution resulting in a new and much larger heat and power plant. The total cost of the...

Sudro Hall
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Construction on Sudro Hall began in September 1959 as the first step in an extensive building and improvement program. The State Legislature appropriated $550,000 for the building and the University...

Memorial Student Union
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The Agricultural College campus lacked a place for students to gather. With the increased enrollment and the return of World War II veterans, the need for a student-gathering place became apparent....

E. Morrow Lebedeff Hall
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The Home Economics building was dedicated on October 22, 1954. The newly completed structure cost $400,000 and was billed as a "home economists dream come true." The first floor contained...

Morrill Hall
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The construction of Morrill Hall (then known as the Agricultural Building) began in the spring of 1922. The plans called for a three-story building (with a basement) measuring 55 feet by 145 feet....

C. I. Nelson Building
24 photos
Construction on the Health Center began in August 1939, but took until the spring of 1940 to finish due to a labor shortage in the Works Progress Administration (W.P.A). When finished, the building...

Bentson-Bunker Field House
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On December 5, 1931 the Bentson-Bunker Fieldhouse (Old Fieldhouse) was dedicated during half-time of the basketball game between the Agricultural College and the University of Minnesota. Nelson...

Women's Athletics
49 photos
Women’s athletics at North Dakota Agricultural College/North Dakota State University (AC/SU) dates back to the late 19th century. On May 5, 1897, there was an Athletic Field Day (track and field...

NDAC/SU Aerials
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These photos from the early 1920s through 2003 show North Dakota Agricultural College (NDAC)/North Dakota State University (NDSU) from the air. In 1921-22, NDAC consisted of 20 buildings and more...

Ladd Hall
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Construction of Ladd Hall (New Chemistry Building) began in 1910 after an explosion and subsequent fire destroyed the first Chemistry Building. The State Legislature appropriated $65,000 for the new...

Van Es (Old)
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In 1909 $30,000 was appropriated for the Veterinary Building (Van Es Hall). The Spectrum stated that "The plans are completed for the Veterinary building and building operations will be started...

Minard Hall
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Minard Hall, originally named Science Hall, was to be built in three stages as building funds became available. It was noted in the 1902-03 NDAC Catalog that this first section cost about $25,000....

South Engineering
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Early in 1907, $65,000 was appropriated for the construction of an engineering building. When completed, the structure was a three-story building measuring 80 feet by 90 feet. It contained lecture...

Mechanic Arts
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The Mechanic Arts Building was built in 1893-94. The first floor of the building was arranged to be used for offices, recitation, drawing and laboratory rooms for work in physics, as well as shops...

Francis Hall
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Francis Hall, the second building built on the NDAC campus, was constructed in 1893, with a state appropriation of $17,000. Originally called "The Dormitory," in 1898, it was named in honor...

Chemistry (Old) Building
6 photos
In 1905 the State Legislature appropriated $50,000 for the erection of a chemical laboratory. When completed the building's main part was a three-story structure measuring 76 feet by 50 feet and had...

Geosciences Building
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In 1913, the North Dakota State Legislature appropriated $50,000 for the construction of a dairy building on campus. The completed dairy building measured 84 feet by 52 feet, slightly smaller than...

Festival Hall
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In 1897, Festival Hall, originally known as the Drill Hall or Armory, was completed. It was 40x96 feet and cost approximately $1,500. The building was constructed of wood with a brick foundation. In...

Dakota Hall
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Dakota Hall had its beginnings at the request of the Federal Government and with the consent of the North Dakota State Council of Defense the Board of Regents approved the erection of an emergency...

Churchill Hall
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The construction of Churchill Hall (originally Men's Residence Hall) began in 1927 after its plans and funding were approved by the State Legislature. The dormitory was to house 192 male students and...

Putnam Hall
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Putnam Hall (Carnegie Library) had its beginnings in 1903 when B. F. Spalding, Representative at Large for North Dakota, wrote to Andrew Carnegie requesting $35,000 to $40,000 to build a library and...

Ceres Hall
23 photos
In 1909 the North Dakota State Legislature approved the construction of a women's building on campus, allocating over $85, 000 for the building. The name of the building, Ceres Hall, is named for the...

Old Main
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The first permanent building on the North Dakota Agricultural College (NDAC) campus was College Hall, also called the Administration Building, but more commonly known as Old Main. In February 1891,...

Alba Bales House
33 photos
The Alba Bales House, originally named the Practice House, was built in 1922-23. The Practice House was ready for its first residents in fall 1923. To better reflect its purpose, it was renamed the...

Shepperd Arena
9 photos
The North Dakota Agricultural College (NDAC) Livestock Pavilion opened in March 1952 hosting the fifth annual North Dakota Spring Market Hog Show. This was the first event in the new completed...