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User / Mount Fuji Man / Sets / Sam's M.A. degree ceremony
Dave Collier / 8 items

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The famous clock tower at the University of Birmingham. The Joseph Chamberlain Memorial Clock Tower (known as 'Old Joe'), is located in Chancellor's court. It is the tallest free-standing clock tower in the world, although its actual height is the subject of some confusion. It is approximately 100 metres tall.

Tags:   University of Birmingham University Birmingham degree ceremony degree congregation Arts Décoratifs art deco

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Impressive stained glass windows behind the seats occupied by the orchestra.

Tags:   University of Birmingham University Birmingham degree ceremony degree congregation Arts Décoratifs art deco

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The chairs at the front were occupied by four people including a young, hirsute man who I think was there to represent alumni. He was a disgrace: he spent the whole time chewing gum, had his hands in his pockets at key points, and failed to applaud the graduands. He wasn't alone in keeping his mortar board on his head when the national anthem was played, but no surprise he was among the three or four men who got that wrong.

Tags:   University of Birmingham University Birmingham degree ceremony degree congregation

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Another impressive light.

Tags:   University of Birmingham University Birmingham degree ceremony degree congregation

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This is the wall to the right of the stage, with what I assume are organ pipes. Nice light fittings.

Tags:   University of Birmingham University Birmingham degree ceremony degree congregation Arts Décoratifs art deco
