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User / Mount Fuji Man / Sets / 365 2021
Dave Collier / 284 items

N 8 B 3.7K C 7 E Jan 2, 2021 F Jan 2, 2021
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Tags:   Newport Edgmond field snow 365: The 2021 Edition 365:2021 Day 2/365 02-Jan-2021

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Sometimes a cat is content to simply supervise operations rather than actively disrupt them.

Tags:   cat Macey Christmas decoration 365: The 2021 Edition 365:2021 Day 3/365 03-Jan-2021

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Today the Hereios of the We're Here! group are @work.

The UK prime minister is doing a live TV broadcast at 8.00pm tonight, and it's widely expected that he'll announce another England-wide lockdown. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are already moving in that direction.

I have no complaints; it seems necessary to tighten things up because of (a) the more infectious variant of the virus and (b) the complete inability of some people to behave sensibly unless there's someone looking over their shoulder to check compliance.

Tags:   @work Samsung Note9 Hereios WAH WH office 365: The 2021 Edition 365:2021 Day 4/365 04-Jan-2021

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Tags:   Loynton Moss Nature Reserve canal bridge 365: The 2021 Edition 365:2021 Day 5/365 05-Jan-2021

N 12 B 1.5K C 12 E Jan 6, 2021 F Jan 6, 2021
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For WAH's visit to Walter Mondale's Frozen Pizza group on 5 January 2021.

Ozzy doesn't qualify for an entry in the book; most of the people featured seem to have been murdering despots. It's extraordinary how so many utter bastards have assumed extremely powerful roles throughout history. This book could serve as a guide to spotting potential tyrants, though some of them were okay until power went to their heads or they became paranoid/deluded/completely bonkers. A fair smattering seemed to become severely mentally ill as a result of syphilis.

Tags:   Ozzy 365: The 2021 Edition 365:2021 Day 6/365 06-Jan-2021 Ozzy Ozzy Osbourne
