Looking southeast into Storm Bay from inside Port Arthur, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania.
Arthurs Peak (280m) and Budget Head form the land parts caught in bright sunlight as a nice bit of weather was moving across the bay. All this while the tour boat jockey was blathering on about a golf course behind the camera. Appeared to be only a couple of other sailors on the boat and we were all spellbound by the drama to seaward.
Storm Bay was named by Dutch navigator Abel Janszoon Tasman in 1642 when a storm forced his ships out to sea before they could anchor there.
Shortly after this pic the tour boat was enveloped by gale force winds and driving rain - no surprises there.
Fuji X-T1, XF 18-55/2.8-4. 1/850th sec at f/9, ISO 200. Two frame stitch in PS, edit in Nik.
Technically the water just outside the heads is Maingon Bay - and part of the Tasman Sea but... :-)
A very big 'Thank You' to everyone that views, faves and comments on my work! It's really appreciated :-)
3 Capes Series #1
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