Mussel shell on Denison Beach, just north of Bicheno on Tasmania's East Coast this last Sunday.
Shot with a Contax G45/2 retrofitted into a Minolta PF55 shell and M-Mounted (AKA Frankenzeiss). Thanks to sebboh for the idea and the assistance.
I'm taking a break from Icelandic images as processing them was becoming overwhelming. I'll come back to them later in the year but I felt that me and the 'stream needed a break!
M240 M-P, Carl Zeiss G45/2, 1/1000th sec at f/2.8, ISO 100
Tags: Tasmania Bicheno Bicheno, Tasmania Douglas Apsley National Park Bicheno, Tasmania beach seashell mussel Denison Beach Leica M240 M-P M240M-P Frankenzeiss Contax G45/2 Planar G45/2 Zeiss
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Saying farewell to the Southern Summer while breaking the 'stream up with some colour...
Gin and Tonic of course to accompany a few pages of "The Good People" by Tasmanian author Hannah Kent.
M240 M-P, Contax Zeiss 45/2 (Frankenzeiss)1/4000th sec at f/2, ISO 800
Tags: Gin and Tonic Gynnandtonnyx Leica M240 M-P Leica Summer Frankenzeiss Contax Zeiss G45/2 Frankenzeiss Zeiss Zeiss Lens Zeiss 45/2 Planar M240M-P Contax G45/2 Planar G45/2 sundown sunset Bokeh Zeiss Bokeh
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Scotts Peak from the Red Knoll lookout near the Scotts Peak Dam, South West Tasmania on a very bright day.
The body of water being Lake (Fake) Pedder - a 'recreational impoundment' created by the damming of the Serpentine River in the 1970's.
This shot from the M240/Elmarit 28 combination. My first real outing with this lens and body. Came home feeling quite flat about it really. This very bright, high-contrast scene took far more work than it should have done. Some of the pics from the following day were unusable.
After some dummy-spitting, some monkeying around and some googlising I realised that I hadn't dialled in the lens at all so the body was just making stuff up. Operator Error... Lost a lot of colour shots due to serious magenta fringing on the right of each frame. Clearly have been spoilt by Fuji and Sony bodies just working with whatever was stuck on the front!
Thems the breaks I guess!
M240 M-P, M-28/2.8, 1/250th sec at f/11, ISO 200
Tags: Lake Lake Pedder Fake Pedder Scotts Peak Dam Serpentine River Red Knoll South West Wilderness National Park South West Tasmania South West World Heritage Area Tasmania Gordon River Hydro Electric Scheme Leica M240 M-P Leica M240M-P M240 Leica Elmarit-M 28/2.8 Asph Elmarit-M 28/2.8 Leica 28/2.8
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Looking south from the lookout on White Spur towards Starfish Hill, Wilmot Island and Wilmot Bay. White Spur Inlet at the right. Lake (Fake) Pedder, South West Tasmania.
Was blowing around 40kts up on the lookout - no good for LE work but great day for dramatic skies!
M240, Elmarit-M 28/2.8, 1/60th sec, ISO 320
Tags: Lake Lake Pedder Fake Pedder Serpentine River South West Wilderness National Park South West Tasmania South West World Heritage Area Tasmania Gordon River Hydro Electric Scheme Leica M240 M-P Leica M240M-P M240 Leica Elmarit-M 28/2.8 Asph Elmarit-M 28/2.8 Leica 28/2.8 White Spur Inlet Wilmot Island Wilmont Bay Starfish Hill Wilmot Range CloudsStormsSunsetsSunrises There Be a Storm A Brewin monochrome mono black and white B&W
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Looking out into Lake Gordon across Knob Basin.
Lake Gordon is part of the Gordon River Hydro Electric Scheme commissioned in the 1970s. The water level was down about 20 meters when this pic was taken - if you look at the point at centre left it's just possible to make out the capacity waterline. The level is currently another 5 meters below this picture - it's been very dry. Don't let this picture fool you, it was raining but only passing showers.
M240, Elmarit-M 28/2.8, 1/1000th sec at f/6.8, ISO 320.
Tags: Lake South West Wilderness National Park South West Tasmania South West World Heritage Area Tasmania Gordon River Hydro Electric Scheme Leica M240 M-P Leica M240M-P M240 Leica Elmarit-M 28/2.8 Asph Elmarit-M 28/2.8 Leica 28/2.8 CloudsStormsSunsetsSunrises There Be a Storm A Brewin monochrome mono black and white B&W Lake Gordon Knob Basin rain mist Gordon River
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