Mussel shell on Denison Beach, just north of Bicheno on Tasmania's East Coast this last Sunday.
Shot with a Contax G45/2 retrofitted into a Minolta PF55 shell and M-Mounted (AKA Frankenzeiss). Thanks to sebboh for the idea and the assistance.
I'm taking a break from Icelandic images as processing them was becoming overwhelming. I'll come back to them later in the year but I felt that me and the 'stream needed a break!
M240 M-P, Carl Zeiss G45/2, 1/1000th sec at f/2.8, ISO 100
Tags: Tasmania Bicheno Bicheno, Tasmania Douglas Apsley National Park Bicheno, Tasmania beach seashell mussel Denison Beach Leica M240 M-P M240M-P Frankenzeiss Contax G45/2 Planar G45/2 Zeiss
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Saying farewell to the Southern Summer while breaking the 'stream up with some colour...
Gin and Tonic of course to accompany a few pages of "The Good People" by Tasmanian author Hannah Kent.
M240 M-P, Contax Zeiss 45/2 (Frankenzeiss)1/4000th sec at f/2, ISO 800
Tags: Gin and Tonic Gynnandtonnyx Leica M240 M-P Leica Summer Frankenzeiss Contax Zeiss G45/2 Frankenzeiss Zeiss Zeiss Lens Zeiss 45/2 Planar M240M-P Contax G45/2 Planar G45/2 sundown sunset Bokeh Zeiss Bokeh
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I'm well behind the seasons due to the depth of the archive but here's a little sample from my Contax G 45/2 Planar 'Frankenzeiss' on an M240 M-P.
Nothing special about this pic, these are just some leaves shot wide open in the late afternoon with the Frank - just to see how the combination handled the conditions.
Currently working on a G35/2 conversion and a G28 will follow. Thanks to sebboh for the inspiration and a lot of R&D :-)
M240 M-P, CZ G 45/2, 1/4000sec at f/2, ISO 400.
Tags: Contax Contax Zeiss Contax G45/2 Planar G45/2 Contax Zeiss G 45/2 Planar Frankenzeiss Leica Leica M240 M-P M240M-P M240 Autumn leaves Bokeh Zeiss M-Mount Zeiss Bokeh backlit contre jour
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Here some late-sunset cirrus mountain wave cloud is picked out against the deepening blue of night.
Basically looked out towards Mt Faulkner in the west and thought I'd better take a snap.
This is random test shot from the Contax Zeiss G 45/2 Planar 'Frankenzeiss' modded to M-Mount. Lens is dialled in as the 50/2 Summicron - seems about right.
M240 MP, Contax Zeiss G 45/2, 1/125th sec af f/5.6, ISO 400
Tags: sun sunset CloudsStormsSunsetsSunrises cloud porn cloud formations cloudscape cirrus alto cirrus wave form cloud Blue Hour blue Leica M240 M-P Leica M240M-P M240 Contax Contax Zeiss Contax G45/2 Planar Zeiss Zeiss Lens M-Mount Leica M Mount Frankenzeiss cinnabar vermillion scarlet Carl Zeiss T* G45/2
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The '17 Milton Rosé.
Tasmania's East Coast has quite a number of very good vineyards. My fave is Milton and my fave Milton is their Rosé.
Their cellar door, south of Bicheno, is a perfect spot to stop for lunch overlooking the vines.
I could not resist the back-light through the wine - shot with the Contax G 45/2 'Frankenzeiss' modded to M-Mount.
M240 M-P, Contax Zeiss G 45/2, 1/4000th sec at f/2, ISO 200.
*I have no commercial arrangement with Milton Estate.
Tags: Bicheno Bicheno, Tasmania Milton Estate Vineyard wine vines vineyard rosé Tasmania's East Coast backlit backlight Leica M240 M-P Leica M240M-P M240 Contax Contax Zeiss Contax G45/2 Planar Zeiss Zeiss Lens M-Mount Leica M Mount Frankenzeiss cinnabar Carl Zeiss T* G45/2 legacy glass legacy lenses vintage primes prime lenses Bokeh Zeiss Bokeh
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