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User / New York National Guard / Sets / 106th Rescue Wing STEM 2024
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STEM Camp day two!

Campers started their day looking over an HH-60W Jolly Green II rescue helicopter, which they will virtually deploy for a simulation of a natural disaster response set in Estonia.

The students were then shown how certain maintenance procedures are conducted to keep our rescue aircraft operational. These skills may come in handy for their simulate rescue operation.

Later in the day campers learned about satellite communication and setup then used radios to understand how voice and data are transmitted over long distances.

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STEM Camp day two!

Campers started their day looking over an HH-60W Jolly Green II rescue helicopter, which they will virtually deploy for a simulation of a natural disaster response set in Estonia.

The students were then shown how certain maintenance procedures are conducted to keep our rescue aircraft operational. These skills may come in handy for their simulate rescue operation.

Later in the day campers learned about satellite communication and setup then used radios to understand how voice and data are transmitted over long distances.

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Students position a satellite-radio antenna, August 2, 2024, during their second day of STEM Camp 2024, hosted by the 106th Rescue Wing located at F.S. Gabreski Air National Guard Base, N.Y. The STEM summer camp is a Department of Defense funded, specialized program that provides hands-on learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics intended to inspire and engage students. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Sean Madden)

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STEM Camp day two!

Campers started their day looking over an HH-60W Jolly Green II rescue helicopter, which they will virtually deploy for a simulation of a natural disaster response set in Estonia.

The students were then shown how certain maintenance procedures are conducted to keep our rescue aircraft operational. These skills may come in handy for their simulate rescue operation.

Later in the day campers learned about satellite communication and setup then used radios to understand how voice and data are transmitted over long distances.

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STEM Camp day two!

Campers started their day looking over an HH-60W Jolly Green II rescue helicopter, which they will virtually deploy for a simulation of a natural disaster response set in Estonia.

The students were then shown how certain maintenance procedures are conducted to keep our rescue aircraft operational. These skills may come in handy for their simulate rescue operation.

Later in the day campers learned about satellite communication and setup then used radios to understand how voice and data are transmitted over long distances.
