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User / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop / Session: Integrating Migrants
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development / 17,397 items
29 May 2018 - OECD Forum 2018 – Integrating Migrants

Nassira El Moaddem, Director & Editor in Chief, Le Bondy Blog

Sebene Eshete, Advocacy Coordinator, Generation 2.0, Equality and Diversity, Greece

Andreas Hollstein, Mayor, Altena, Germany

Mina Jaf, Founder and Executive Director, Women Refugee Route; Laureate, Women of Europe Awards 2017

Seema Malhotra, Member of Parliament; Chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on Assistive Technology, United Kingdom

Rui Marques, former High Commissioner of Migration and Integration, Portugal; Founder, Ubuntu Academy

Photo: OECD/Mariano Bordon
  • Views: 2025
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  • Taken: May 29, 2018
  • Uploaded: Jun 4, 2018
  • Updated: Jun 18, 2018