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User / Oggie Ramos / Sets / arroceros forest park
Oggie Ramos / 14 items

N 0 B 449 C 0 E Jan 14, 2005 F Mar 8, 2005
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my pet's almost a year old now. fish tayo!

Tags:   nature lagal[og] oggie phot[og]raphy nikon Oggie Ramos philippines All Rights Reserved

N 1 B 521 C 0 E Jan 14, 2005 F Jan 16, 2005
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tarnishing welcome to the forest in downtown manila

Tags:   arroceros forest park lagal[og] oggie phot[og]raphy nikon Oggie Ramos philippines All Rights Reserved

N 0 B 511 C 0 E Jan 14, 2005 F Jan 16, 2005
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gnarled branches and curly roots look like an underworldly creature::arroceros forest park trees

Tags:   arroceros forest park lagal[og] oggie phot[og]raphy nikon Oggie Ramos philippines All Rights Reserved

N 0 B 751 C 0 E Jan 14, 2005 F Jan 17, 2005
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this ain't a scene from middle earth folks; rather, it's a wide-spreading rubber tree right smack near the sm manila and manila city hall::arroceros forest park

Tags:   arroceros forest park lagal[og] oggie phot[og]raphy nikon Oggie Ramos philippines All Rights Reserved

N 0 B 680 C 0 E Jan 14, 2005 F Apr 18, 2005
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a tribute to the late, lamented arroceros forest park. my favorite rubber tree.

Tags:   arroceros forest park lagal[og] oggie phot[og]raphy nikon Oggie Ramos philippines All Rights Reserved
