For a short explanation on this unbelievable story, please feel free to read it here:
For those that can read Japanese, Mr. Tsukamoto's story is here:
Tags: Hiroshima Nichuu Michiko Tanaka Atomic Bomb peace ceremony Truman Yearbook 中国新聞 田中美千子 塚本 広島ニ中 二中 原爆 平和 進駐軍 陸軍情報局 静岡 静岡県 二世 米軍 日本占領 陸軍情報局 第二次世界大戦 第二次世界大戦 金本 Track high school 芸陽 芸陽高校 日系 二世
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For a short explanation on this unbelievable story, please feel free to read it here:
Tags: Hiroshima Nichuu Michiko Tanaka Atomic Bomb peace ceremony Truman Yearbook
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At the end of a long day, Dad was still energized from having seen his high school yearbook. Dementia can take a back seat for just a little longer.
Please read a short story on this day and how this yearbook came into his hands. Shortly after graduating from his Hiroshima high school, he returned to Seattle. In 1942, he was imprisoned by FDR with over 100,000 other Japanese-Americans but would later join the US Army's secret Military Intelligence Service during the Occupation of Japan.
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For a short explanation on this unbelievable story, please feel free to read it here:
Tags: Hiroshima Nichuu Michiko Tanaka Atomic Bomb peace ceremony Truman Yearbook
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