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User / Pablo.Lee / Sets
129 items

West Yellowstone 2024
39 photos

California 2024
47 photos

Barcelona 2023
209 photos

Taiwan 2022
116 photos

California 2023
212 photos

Utah 2022
34 photos
Bryce Canyon/Zion/Antelope Island/Salt Lake City

Yosemite 2022
29 photos

California 2022
91 photos

California 2021
75 photos

New York 2021
5 photos

Seattle 2019
28 photos

Seattle 2018
61 photos

Martin Dies Jr. State Park 2019
7 photos

Taiwan 2018
44 photos

A bit of China 2018
7 photos

Brazos Band 2019
7 photos

Portland 2016
21 photos

Austin 2018
9 photos

Austin 2017
20 photos

New Moon Beach
5 photos

Brazos Bend Park
11 photos

New Mexico 2017
20 photos

San Antonio
16 photos

2017 Renaissance Festival
6 photos

12 photos

Houston Area
17 photos

2015 Perseids Meteor Shower @ White Sands
5 photos

El Malpais National Monument
11 photos
Big Tubes Area.

Bosque del Apache 2013
3 photos

San Diego 2
25 photos

Valles Caldera National Preservation
15 photos
For those who might be interested in adapting RF lenses. This is part of my testing of A7 and wild-angle RF lenses. Both 21 and 24 work okay on A7, color shift is unnoticeable so far, vignetting is...

San Diego 1
42 photos
August 2013

平溪線 2012
25 photos
Mining towns along railway in the past, tourist attractions in the present.

Mt. Taylor, NM
4 photos

San Francisco 3
25 photos
Feb 2013

Chaco Canyon
5 photos

San Francisco 2
33 photos
2012 Jan

2013 Fall Colors
21 photos

14 photos

Death Valley
9 photos

San Francisco 1
30 photos
2010, plus Stanford.

24 photos

Hanging of Greens
8 photos

59 photos

31 photos
My first studio experience.

Solar Eclipse 120520
9 photos
D3+ Reflex-Nikkor 500mm f8+ TC-14B

9 photos

Bosque del Apache 2011
17 photos
We arrived too late this time, but there's always next year.

Balloon Fiesta at Albuquerque 2010
7 photos

Manzano Mountains
8 photos
Missed the red maples this year...

33 photos

Lin Lin | a Different Summer Day
53 photos

Yvette //By the Sea and the Wind//
47 photos

36 photos

憶憶 . 微光
37 photos

26 photos

22 photos

Las Vegas
42 photos

Bosque del Apache 2009
30 photos
1/18 and 1/25 09' Some of the shots are taken with 500/8 plus TC-14B, although I didn't tag them correctly.

56 photos
A 3-day, 2500-mile round trip this summer.

Grand Teton
5 photos
A quick visit while we were at Yellowstone.

2 photos

Rock Concert
3 photos

Sandia Peak 2
32 photos
8/12 06' Bad weather, visibility wasn't so good. 2/21 07' Sandia Peak in snow. 8/2 08' Few more pictures.

First firework attempt
9 photos
fireworks of the 4th of July.

27 photos
2008 6/20 Chi-Tou

6 photos
Gao-Mei wetland

6 photos

16 photos

Wan-He Temple
18 photos
2007 6/19 Dragon Boat Festival 38E100VS11 to 38E100VS15 were taken at the nearby Wun-Chang Temple.

15 photos

Taiwan, unsorted
2 photos

Trinity Site
4 photos
The first atomic bomb test site, which opens to public twice a year.

4 photos
NRAO Very Large Array, located near Socorro, NM. The self-guided tour is open everyday to dusk, but you have to stay on the route and the positions for shooting are quite limited.

New York 3
33 photos
Third visit at the end of 2007.

New York 2
61 photos

First snow this winter
3 photos

Jewel's concert in Albuquerque
3 photos

Balloon Fiesta at Albuquerque 2009
7 photos
To bad the balloon glow I attended didn't work due to the wind, the fireworks are great though. One interesting about shooting fireworks I found out that night, is that you can use Noct at f1.4 and...

Balloon Fiesta at Albuquerque 2007
18 photos
Oct 2007 Better weather this year; and it looks like color and contrast aren't exactly the strong point of the old 70-210mm f4.

Balloon Fiesta at Albuquerque 2006
9 photos
Oct 2006 This time the weather isn't nice...

Balloon Fiesta at Albuquerque 2005
41 photos
The famous balloon fiesta every October....

Grand Canyon
27 photos
May 2007 The visibility wasn't good (according to others, it's always like this); using polarizer does help but it also increases the chance of flare. In the end, certain amount of post processing...

23 photos

19 photos

Small Trips
25 photos
Pictures from different small trips.

Snow Day
13 photos
A rare heavy snow turned the city completely white. (and out of business for days...) Perhaps the heaviest snow here in 50 years from what I heard.

Bosque del Apache
9 photos
It's a famous place for shooting birds at Socorro, NM A demonstration of how hard it is to shoot birds with manual lens :p Somehow my modified TC-16A can't focus to infinity and it became a manual...

Bandelier National Monument
22 photos
9/16 '06 First time with Velvia, but later I read it's more suitable for overcast day. The overlook (first five) is nearby, but not in the monument.

Rio Grande Zoo
11 photos

Albuquerque, NM
85 photos

Carlsbad Caverns
15 photos
5/21 06' Carlsbad Caverns National Park The second stop of my 3-day trip, which made my purchase of tripod worthy :)...

White Sands
13 photos
5/20 06' White Sands National Monument The first stop of my 3-day trip. It's such a hot day but luckily the wind was not very strong- so I didn't have to spend ages cleaning my camera... ND and...

New York
73 photos
March 2006 A ten-day visit during last spring break.

21 photos
January 2006 A place hidden in the largest city of Taiwan, and yet it looks as if time had stopped for many years. (There's heavy post-processing within those images.)...

Santa Fe 2
49 photos
December 2005 It's my second visit; there's not much time but the street I wander this time, looks much better than the plaza does! 第二次造訪Santa...

Old Town
13 photos
December 2005 The old town of Albuquerque, which we call "poor man's Santa Fe," and it looks just like the plaza of Santa Fe. It's a cloudy day, but luckily there're some wonderful...

Tent Rocks
23 photos
November 2005 An entry-level hiking place, takes about an hour to walk around. Thanksgiving 當天跟其他台灣來的同學去hiking. Tent Rocks...

Santa Fe
29 photos
October 2005 A historically city full of gallery and museum, it's north to Albuquerque for about 2 hours of driving or so. 第一次去Santa...

Sandia Peak
21 photos
August 2005 This is where they claim to have the world's longest aerial tramway. Ski is possible in winter, but there's not much snow this winter... Sandia Peak...

44 photos
2008 6/29 @ Moon&Cat restaurant

35 photos
2008 6/21 @Tunghai Art Street 東海藝術街

46 photos
2008 6/15 北投溫泉博物館

36 photos
2008 6/14 @ 永樂市場 dcview

38 photos
2008 6/8 台中放送局

Wendy 2
33 photos
2008 05/31 @ Tunghai University

45 photos
2008 5/24 Around the Museum of Fine Arts

34 photos
2007 07/15 @ Taichung Children's Art Museum

33 photos
2007 07/14 Wendy @ Ying-Cai Park, Taichung

51 photos
2007 7/8 @ Taichung Wine Factory

34 photos
2007 7/7 @Museum of Fine Arts

35 photos
2007 6/3 @Museum of Fine Arts 第十四次外拍

38 photos
2007 6/3 @Museum of Fine Arts 第十四次外拍

29 photos
2007 5/27 @Taichung 第十三次外拍

33 photos
2006 07/22 @ Official Residence of Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Mei-ling, Shilin Lens: Nikon 12-24mm F4 Nikon 35mm F2 Nikon 50mm F1.4 AI Nikon 85mm F1.8 2006 07/22...

63 photos
2006 07/16 @ Taichung Wine Factory Lens: Nikon 12-24mm F4 Nikon 35mm F2 Nikon 50mm F1.4 AI Nikon 85mm F1.8 (Borrowed:) Nikon 35mm F2.8 AI-S Nikon 45mm F2.8 P 2006 07/16...

74 photos
2006 07/02 @ Taichung Children's Art Museum Lens: Nikon 12-24mm F4 Nikon 35mm F2 Nikon 50mm F1.4 AI Nikon 85mm F1.8 2006 07/02 第十次的外拍@臺中兒童藝術館

46 photos
2006 06/25 @ Tunghai Art Street Lens: Nikon 12-24mm F4 Nikon 35mm F2 Nikon 50mm F1.4 AI Nikon 85mm F1.8 2006 06/25 第九次的外拍@東海藝術街

Deby 2
40 photos
2006 01/14 @ Temple of Confucius, Taichung Lens: Nikon 85 f1.8 Nikon 35 f2 2006 01/14 第八次的外拍@台中孔廟

49 photos
2006 01/08 @ Ying-Cai Park, Taichung Lens: Nikon 85 f1.8 Nikon 35 f2 2006 01/08 第七次的外拍@英才公園

37 photos
2005 07/24 @ Fong-Le Park, Taichung The newly acquired Nikon 50 f1.8 was tested. Lens: Nikon 50mm f1.8 2005 07/24 第六次的外拍@豐樂公園 試了新買的50/f1.8

D70s Walk-Around
28 photos
After all those years of waiting, I finally acquired a camera of my own. Starting from May of 2005, this album will be updated from time to time, just to see if I have made any progress or not!...

Nikon 5700 Walk-Around
18 photos
Several pictures taken with Nikon 5700 in my pre-DSLR era.

39 photos
2005 07/17 @ Yue-Mei Sugar Factory A typhoon came that day... It started to rain when I rode home and I got half wet within minutes, thanks to the raincoat my camera was safe and sound. My faithful...

34 photos
2005 07/09 @ Tunghai Art Street Lens: Tameon 28-75 f2.8 2005 07/09 第四次的外拍@東海藝術街

34 photos
2005 07/03 @ Taichung City Park Lens: Tamron 28-75 f2.8 2005 07/03 第三次的外拍@台中公園

36 photos
2005 06/11 @ Feng Chia University Lens: Tamron 28-75 f2.8 2006 01/08 第二次的外拍@逢甲大學 (這是第二次重新後製的版本)

34 photos
2005 06/05 @ Tunghai University. The first time with my first (and so far only ) DSLR. Lens: Tamron 28-75 f2.8 2005 06/05 第一次外拍@東海大學

Project 52
13 photos