Symmetry on a grand scale! No processing here, the clouds were just being symmetric.
Cloud shots with Hipstamatic on the iPhone.
Tags: cloud shot cloudware sky aerial plane airplane window airplane window passenger iphone mobile hipstamatic bw black and white grand symmetry
I found it - Cloud Number Nine!
Cloud shots with Hipstamatic on the iPhone.
Tags: cloud shot cloudware sky aerial plane airplane window airplane window passenger iphone mobile hipstamatic bw black and white cloud nine cloud 9 on cloud nine on cloud 9
Too much travel, got cloudy vision...
Cloud shots with Hipstamatic on the iPhone.
Tags: cloud shot cloudware sky aerial plane airplane window airplane window passenger iphone mobile hipstamatic bw black and white cloudy vision
Is it puffy or fluffy?
Cloud shots with Hipstamatic on the iPhone.
Tags: cloud shot cloudware sky aerial plane airplane window airplane window passenger iphone mobile hipstamatic bw black and white puffy fluffy