My first microscopy! These are paper thread fibers in a Belgian five franc note, at 250X.
Tags: paper threads microscopy microscope omax
Scratches on the surface of beach glass at 250X magnification.
Tags: omax microscope microscopy beach glass glass
Damaged plant cells at 250X magnification.
Tags: damaged omax microscope microscopy
Striated muscle tissue at 1000X magnification.
Tags: muscle microscope tissue microscopy omax
Diatoms are a type of micro-algae. Over 100K different species exist within this group.
Here diatoms are seen at 250X by the Omax Microscope, a Christmas gift from Mary. It has opened yet another realm of photography for me! My goal is to use microscopy to create abstract images.
The camera is 14MP and zoom goes to 2500X, although with a compound microscope, 1000X is the reasonable limit for somewhat-in-focus images.
Tags: diatoms omax microscope microscopy