The Venezuela-Brazil border at Pacaraima, Roraima. Na Estrada Novamente (On the Road Again), a journey through Brazil using Google Street View.
Tags: Venezuela-Brazil border Pacaraima google street view gsv brazil
Branco River, in State of Roraima. Na Estrada Novamente (On the Road Again), a journey through Brazil using Google Street View.
Tags: branco river google street view gsv brazil
Rural scene in State of Roraima. Na Estrada Novamente (On the Road Again), a journey through Brazil using Google Street View.
Tags: roraima google street view gsv brazil
We're on a new Google Street View trip! This one is called Na Estrada Novamente (On the Road Again), a journey through Brazil. Brazil is very big, and I intend to see it all. I've been collecting images for about 2 years already, but wanted to make progress before starting to post.
What an interesting building! Looks like it's hollow inside. At first I thought it was a town entry or something religious. But I think it's a farm that rents out for events. Chacara do Tome', north of Boa Vista.
You can see my other Google Street View trips here:
* Pan-American Trek
* Impossible Trek
* Approximately 66
* KD's World Tour
* Big Muddy
* Main Street
* Other GSV Images
Tags: Chacara do Tome' boa vista google street view gsv brazil
Assados, Boa Vista. Na Estrada Novamente (On the Road Again), a journey through Brazil using Google Street View.
Tags: assados GSV Google Street View Boa Vista Brazil