Yesterday, first full day back home, I was up before dawn and out to the park. Did not encounter a single vehicle in the park or on the roads. Sun was shining, temperatures mild. What a day!
After checking in with the local grouse and bison, I noticed a snow-covered rock that looked like a hare in hiding. Gradually the ears and eyes materialized, and just like Alice I had a white rabbit in my sights. It doubled back several times, as hares are prone to do, which gave me three or four chances to shoot a burst and nail the action. My biggest problem was getting past a barbwire fence without totally spooking the critter. We were just outside the park boundary, on the open range. Instead of the 500 mm + tripod, a great combo but cumbersome and heavy, I was hand holding the 300 mm with a 1.7x teleconverter. Very fast.
Photographed just outside the boundary of Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan. Don't use this image on websites, blogs, or other media without explicit permission © 2017 James R. Page - all rights reserved.
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