I mentioned recently that I've been noticing round shapes in nature this year - noticing them more, I suppose. They are the primary shape in our universe, from every atom to every star, so I don't hesitate to use the description "sacred circle", even though it may cause some to draw incorrect assumptions as to what I may believe in.
In my first attempt at making this triptych I had a frog's eye as the third shot (and the sun in the middle). But it was too busy, so I swapped it out for a shot of a "Blood Moon" from 2017. The other two are more recent. I photographed the sun, including sunspots, on a smoky day last month when the sky was grey and filled with the taste of distant, charred wood. The sunflower, its ray florets fallen and lost, is from a week ago and seemed to fit nicely between the two celestial bodies. When in doubt, I tend to go for the graphics.
Photographed from my backyard (the sun) and Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan (Canada). Don't use this image on websites, blogs, or other media without explicit permission ©2023 James R. Page - all rights reserved.
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