Two mornings ago we awoke to freezing rain. The streets and sidewalks were slick and dangerous. But by noon the temperature was up above freezing, the thin layer of overnight ice had melted, and three of us did a late trip into the park.
While George rolled video, Madonna went off by herself for a while, and I took a moment from shooting landscapes to point my lens directly into the sun. Madonna is a hiker, at ease with solitude and with herself, and so even when she was working her way across some snowy terrain with steep sided gullies and disappeared from sight, I knew she'd be fine. Here she is back in the open, flat table land again, walking toward the low sun. It was an evening of breathtaking beauty.
I usually let new images sit for a bit while I figure out if they have any merit, but I really liked this one immediately, and it does seem appropriate for Christmas Eve - moving toward the light. After all, we are creatures of light.
Wishing everyone who celebrates it a Merry Christmas, and for those who do not, best wishes in the coming days, now that we've moved past the Winter Solstice and the light is returning.
Photographed in Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan (Canada). Don't use this image on websites, blogs, or other media without explicit permission ©2024 James R. Page - all rights reserved.
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